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Flagstaff House should be renamed The Black Star House of Africa -- Kwame Mayor

Sun, 26 Feb 2017 Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (Uhuru Times)

Ghana's Presidential Seat of Government, Flagstaff House, should be renamed "The Black Star House", or "Black Star House of Africa" --- (since 'Ghana is the Black Star of Africa' "), (or), Gold House, to reflect Ghana's Riches, Nkrumah-Danquah Presidential Palace, or the "Big Six Presidential Palace", in recognition of the Heroic Struggles of Ghana's Independence Heroes", says Pan-Africanist, and Pro-American Democracy Activist, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, populary known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor" ---> a former Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, who was given opp ortunity by United States, (the Leader of the Free World), to 'Test the Waters' of the historic 2016 Presidential Race, on Republican Ticket ---> (It should be noted that after Kwame Mayor's published Strategic Idea in Ghanaian News Media, especially, Ghanaweb.Com, on (December 14, 2005), captioned: "Rename Castle 'the Black House' ... to Attract Tourism like the White House"...>>> "and develop it with the Nation's richest regalia to Attract Tourism like the White House ---> (Thereafter, former President John Agyekum Kufuor's government announced plans to divert Grant received from India, to develop "Ghana's Presidential Palace with the 'Nation's richest regalia to Attract Tourism like the White House' " -- and that led to Kufuor's "Jubilee House"

"Ghana is indeed, the Black Star of Africa, and the Country's Presidential Palace should showcase that image", said Kwame Mayor

"Ideas cannot be copied, or imitated without giving me Credit", said the Scholary Politician, whose numerous published Strategic Ideas have successfully been implemented by White House, United Nations (U.N.), and Governments in his Native Country of Ghana.

"It should be noted that the Founding Fathers of United States, or 'Our White Brothers, and Sisters in USA, proudly named their Seat of Government, or Presidential Palace, the 'White House' ".

(The Ghanaweb's News, captioned: "Rename Castle 'the Black House', to Attract Tourism like the White House".....>>> "and develop it with the Nation's richest regalia to Attract Tourism like the White House, can be Googled, by typing: Ghanaweb + Kwame Appiah Boateng's Rename Castle Black House to Attract Tourism like the White House", (or) Google Ghanaweb + Kwame Mayor's Rename Castle the 'Black House', to Attract Tourism like the White House").

"Flagstaff House is a Colonialist name, bearing Neo-Colonialist Mentality, which has to be changed immediately, but Ghanaians don't want it to be renamed 'Jubilee House' either --- since Kufuor's administration named it 'Jubilee' (at the time Ghana was celebrating its 50th Independence anniversary), and the Country cannot continue to change it to 'Platinum House' when the time comes to celebrate the Country's 70th anniversary of Independence", said the Scholary Politician.

It should also be noted that "Osagyefo Dr' Kwam e Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor") ---> Great Grandson of Native Asante War Generals from Bamang (Bonwire-Bamang), near the famouse Kente weaving Villages of Bonwire, and Amanpe, in Ashanti Region of Ghana, is the Architect of the famouse (August 31, 2014) Strategic Idea he Electronically submitted to Ghana's Electoral Commission (E.C.)-- with copies to White House, United Nations (U.N.); NPP, CPP, NDC Emails; and Vice President Dr Bawumia's Email, etc, etc ---> to install Election (Screens), Election Cameras, and Election Video-Cameras in all Polling Stations across the Country, to show-case Election results to the General Public, (in order to prevent rigging of elections) ---> which was the Cornestone of Nana Akuffo-Addo's Victory at long last !!!, as a genuine Democratically-elected President.

Returning to Ghana's National Reconciliation, Kwame Mayor said : "My Campaign Platform, developed around late 1996, and continued in 1997, geared for Ghana's 2000 Presidential Race I had wanted to run -- under African National Convention -- (which I registered in United States, at IRS Entity Control Section, on or around 2000, [EIN #: 95-4482831]) ---> first called for Truth & Reconciliation in Ghana to probe Human Rights abuses, other Political Crimes, and end Political Persecution & Retribution; To lead Ghana toward the path of First Class Economy & Technological Advancement, To provide Quality Education, To provide Quality Healthcare, To provide Efficient Transportation system, To provide Affordable Housing, To eliminate Ethnic hatred & prejudice, To Safeguard the Independence & Self-Determination of Gh ana, To promote National Unity & Continental African Union ---> (which I personally gave copies to former President John Agyekum Kuffuor, and former Chief of Staff, Kwadwo Mpiani when they visited Los Angeles, Southern California, USA, in 1999 -- in the House of the late Lawyer Dan Agyemang) ---> (before Kufuor became President in the 2000 Ghana's election")

"Kufuor, and Kwadwo Mpianim should swear by the Holy Bible, or Holy Koran (in case they are Asante Nkramo), or swear by Antoa Nsuo Nyama, or swear by the Sister of Antoa's Powerful River ---> Oda River, that flows through Bamang (Bonwire-Bamang) --> Kwame Mayor's Powerful and Historic Hometown, which produced him as one of the Most Sophisticated Intellectuals in the World at the turn of the New Millennium ---> (whose several Strategic Policy Recommendations have successfully been implemented by White House ---> (the Leader of the Free World !!!); United Nations (U.N.), African Union (A.U.), governments in Ghana.

" It should again, be noted that I registered the idea of Ghana's Truth & Reconciliation Commission under African National Convention (ANC), at United States' Internal Revenue Service, (Entity Control): EIN: 95-4482831 ---> and I gave a copy of my Political Platform to Kufuor, before he became President of Ghana", the Great International Politician who speaks the Truth, and nothing b ut the Truth, reminded Ghanaians around the World.

Kwame Mayor, has again, publicly offered to serve in His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo's Inclusive Government, with, (or) without pay !!! ---> as Kumasi Mayor, Roving Ambassador, (like his late Paternal Uncle Great Politician, Mr Joe Appiah of "Abaa-base" days, who married Mrs Peggy Appiah from British Royal Family ---> (Mrs Peggy Appiah's Mother was Biologically related to Queen Elizabeth II) -- or to serve as Ghana's Ambassador to United States ---> (the leader of the Free World !!!), Peace Envoy, Presidential Adviser, Political Advisor / Political Consultant; Ghana's Ambassador to Ethiopia, or Ghana's Ambassador to Eritrea.

(Kwame Mayor's Most Loyal, and dedicated Girlfriends for years, come from Ethiopia, and / or born in Ethiopia).

Reflecting on Ghana's 2016 Presidential Election, the "Ghanaian-born America's Mandela" said :

"It was God Almighty who gav e me the Strategic Idea to contact White House, United Nations, and former U.N. General-Secretary Bi-Moon, through Electronic Mail on November 29, 2016, regarding (prevention of un-necessary Civil War in Ghana)---> (and thereafter, Bi-Moon asked Mahama, Nana Akuffo-Addo, and other Presidential Candidates to sign the Historic Peace Accord, "which scarred the 'hell' of Mahama from illegally clinging on to Power").

On September 02, 2014, Kwame Mayor Electronically sent News Bulletin / Press Release to White House, U.N., NPP Emails, Dr Bawumia's Email; Ghana's News Media, such as Ghanaweb.Com, captioned: "Akuffo Addo will win Ghana's 2016 Presidential Election" ---> (the Prediction came through !!!)

"Also, on September 02, 2014, Kwame Mayor Electronically sent News Bulletin to Ghana's News Media, especially, Ghanaweb.Com, NPP Emails, Dr Bahumia's Email, captioned "Ghanaians want Massive Change, and Akufo-Addo will win" ---> (The Electronic Mails provide Empirical Evidence).

"All Ghanaians around the World should also take note that I was the one who sent a Private Bill in (2004) to Ghana's Parliament, that called for Parliamentary Seat for Ghanaians living abroad, and my published News Bulletins in Ghanaian News Media, especially Ghanaweb.Com, on January 15, 2017, captioned "Kwame Mayor as Minister for Diaspora Affairs ?", January 16, 2017 Ghanaweb's News, captioned: " Kwame Mayor Calls for Minister for Diasporian Affairs, and Parliamentary Seat", Ghanaweb's February 7, 2017 News captioned " Kwame Mayor, calls for appointment with President Nana, Akufo-Addo, etc, provide Empirical Evidence that I proposed the Strategic Idea of Ghana's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, and (not) any other Person, or organization, before the year 2017, (and for the Truth, and nothing but the Truth, there should be Testimony under Oath), said "Kwame Mayor", an Intellectual Giant in his own right.

The Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" --- Kwame Mayor, a former Republican Presidential Candidate, and former Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, is credited for sending Policy Recommendations to White House, and U.N., captioned "48 Hours Ultimatum to Gbagbo to relinquish Power, or face bombardment in his hideout, (in order to save lives !!!) ---> (Thereafter, within 48 hours, White House gave "Greenlight" to France, and U.N. to bombard the hideout of Gbagbo ---> (in order to save lives !!!)

Furthermore, Kwame Mayor is credited for his published Policy Recommendation to White House, and U.N. to overthrow former Egyptian's Dictator, Hosni Mubarak --> (in order to save li ves !!!)

Moreover, the Pro-American Democracy Activist successfully persuaded White House, and U.N. to use "Moral Basis" of United States' Military intervention to overthrow former Libya's " Mad Dog" ---> (in order to save lives !!!)

Several of Kwame Mayor' published Policy Recommendations have successfully been implemented in Ghana ---> Yet, the Greedy, and Selfish Kuffuor's government never gave him any Credit, such as National Reconciliation Commission, which Kwame Mayor personally gave to former President John Agyekum Kufuor, in the presence of former Chief of Staff, Kwadwo Mpiani, when they visited Los Angeles in 2000 ---> (before Kufuor became President of Ghana); "my published Ghanaweb's story, captioned " Rename Castle Black House" --- and develop it like the White House, in order to attract Tourists ---> (It should be noted that thereafter, Kufuor's government used my Strategic Idea to build "Jubilee House", ---> "in order to attract Tourists"; Feed the Children with ***(Nutritious Food), which Kufuor's government named it "School Feeding"; ---> Cash Benefits for the Poor, which Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor" mentioned in his (2004 interview published by Ghana's Daily Graphic, and Daily Graphic's Wednesday, March 09, 2005); Voting Rights for Ghanaians Abroad, Dual Citizenship for Ghanaians Abroad, and Diaspora; Preventive Genocide Bill, Parliamentary Seat for Ghanaians Abroad, Annual Yaa Asantewaa Festival; "Sister Cities Projects", "Sister Schools Projects", Kwame Mayor's published News Bulletin on Ghanaweb, and other Ghanaian Newspapers regarding his idea for Ghana's Industrial Revolution, Kwame Mayor's Strategic Idea of Unemployment Benefits, cited in his News Bulletin published by Ghanaweb.Com, captioned "Fatwa Against Tax Evaders"; and Kwame Mayor's published Strategic Idea on Ghanaweb, and other News Media in which he called for "Statutes for Martyred Judges", and his published News Bulletins in which he (Kwame Mayor) called for Denkyira Region, Ahafo Region, Bono Region, Akwamu Region, and Anlo Region, etc, etc.

"All Tribes, and Ethnic Groups in Ghana are Ghanaians, and the Philosophy should be guided by "Ghana Must Unite", and "Africa Must [still] unite", (with due apology to Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah).

"The Map of old Ashanti Empire, that once stretched throughout Ghana, as British Archives, and Wikipedia provide Empirical Evidence, was divided into Nine Regions -- Yet, Asantes didn't complain, and we have never demanded the return of former conquered Territories after Independence", which should United Nations (U.N.), should use as a Role Model for returning conquered pieces of Land for Peace" , the Intellectual Politician lectured the World Community.

"After Independence, Ahafo was separated from Ashanti Region, even though they are Asantes, who are close to Bono Region -- Yet, Asantes are not complaining"

"Even if someday, Ashanti Region is divided into Ashanti North, Ashanti South, Ashanti East, and Ashanti West, we will still be united, because we are Spiritually tied to the Golden Stool, created by Legendary Okomfo Anokye, who was not Asante -- Yet, he was the one who created the Golden Stool, with the intention to unite all Ghanaians, and had it not been the arrival of Europeans in the Land they named it Gold Coast, Ashanti Army, within Ashanti Empire, comprised of Native Asantes, (and almost all Tribes, and Ethnic Groups in present day Ghana -- and Allied Armies from Mossis in present day Burkina Faso), were penetrating to neighbouring Countries, in their old fashion of creating United African People, through conquests, and in their attempt to even defeat Nature, made it a Taboo to reveal the Tribal, and Ethnic backgrounds of everybody who swore to the Golden Stool, with a Common Language, and names given based on the days of the Week"

" Native Asantes became 'Endangered Species', when during the old Ashanti Kingdom, it was compulsory for all healthy Asante boys to enlist in Ashanti Army, and the Women stayed home to be watched by ;Ankobeahene, or Ankobea Chief --- Every Asante home therefore, has inter-marriages as the Asante Army spread throughout Ghana during the old Ashanti Kingdom".

" We still need a united Ghana", said Kwame Mayor.

"In terms of Effectiveness, and Efficiency in Public Administration, within a (United Ghana) ---> all Tribes, or Ethnic Groups should be given (Equal Opportunity) to manage their Regions, instead of always depending on Central government, which for years, has proven itself in-competent, (in terms of Public Administration"), said the Scholary Politician, who studied Public Administration, at the prestigious University of Southern California (USC), where the first Man to land on the Moon, Neil Armstrong also attended.

The Otis' wanted a Region, but in my published News Releases, I openly described it as Oti-Region -- (in advance !!!), even though it has not yet been implemented, and I championed for Denkyira Region, Ahafo Region, (Bono Region), and I am the first person to call for Anlo Region for Ewes, "who are our fellow Ghanaians, and fellow African Brothers, and Sisters, especially innocent Ewes like the Amedumes, and Utukas, who were savagery executed by J.J. Rawlings , and the Tsikatas ---> (Just because they were innocent Friends of Asantes"), said the Pan-Africanist Politician, known for his Trade-Mark of saying "innocent Gas, innocent Ewes, innocent Hausas, innocent Dagombas, innocent Gonjas, innocent Fantes, innocent Brongs, innocent Akuapems, innocent Mamprusis, innocent Sisalas, innocent Akyems, innocent Kwahus, innocent Grusis, innocent Kusasis, innocent Frafras, innocent Akwamus, innocent Guans, innocent Mossis, innocent Nzemas, innocent Krachis, innocent Asantes, innocent Denkyiras, etc, etc"

"Volta Regional Minister, Dr. Archibals Letsa, a highly educated Ghanaian, Self-Confident, and a Ghanaian Patriot, who has (no) Tribalism in his bones, deserves to someday, become Flagbearer of NPP, and he will surely receive massive support from all Ghanaians, including the support from my Tribesmen, Native Asantes", said Kwame Mayor, from Bamang, (Bonwire-Bamang) near the famouse Kente weaving Villages of Bonwire, and Amanpe, in Ashanti Region, whose Biological Great Grand-Fathers from Adonten Puduo Royal Family ---> the Historical, and Legitimate Occupants of Asanteman's Adontenhene Chieftaincy Stool, bravery led almost all Asantes' Glorious Wars against Colonialism, and Imperialism perpetuated on African Soil by "Our British White Brothers, and Sisters",

Kwame Mayor is the Nation's Fearless Critic of June 4th Terrorists' Revolution that savagery ex ecuted Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwaa Afrifa, Amedume, Utuka, I.K. Acheampong, Bob Kotei, Roger Felli, Akuffo, Yaw Boakye, and Odartey Wellington

"Folks, we have forgiven, but 'never again', with due apology to Persecuted Jews, who suffered during Adolf Hitler's Nazism", said Kwame Mayor, who has publicly appealed for donations from all Peace Activists to finance his "Never Again Museum" in Ghana, to ensure that "Never Again should innocent Ghanaians be slaughtered by June 4th Terrorists".

"There is too much Injustice, and Political discrimination un-solved, and callously, left over in Ghana, which have not been properly addressed", said the Fair-Minded Politician, who believes in Peaceful, and Non-Violent Solutions, which Legendary Nelson Mandela reasonably perused, against the Evils of Apartheid.

"The years of Political discrimination against me, despite the fact that many of my Strategic Ideas have successfully been implemented by Governments in Ghana, White House, United Nations (U.N.) ---> and Politically-motivated discrimination against Ghanaians abroad, especially, Ghanaian-Americans, must be im mediately addressed by the Democratically-elected ruling government of Ghana", said "Kwame Mayor", an Iconic Civil Rights Leader in his own right, and one of the World's Most Sophisticated Intellectual Giants at the turn of the New Millennium.

"His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo should call for National Reconciliation Phase II, to ensure Genuine Peace, and Unity in Ghana" -- said the Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAG), "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor") ---> (the real Architect of Ghana's National Reconciliation Commission, which he personally gave a copy of his Platform, to former President John Agyekum Kufuor, and former Chief of Staff, Kwadwo Mpianim, when they visited Los Angeles, USA, in 1999 ---> before Ghana's 2000 Presidential Election, (and notably, before Kufuor became President of Ghana), in the presence of several Eye Witnesses.

"Ghana is indeed the Black Star of Africa. His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, who is an African Patriot, should do the right thing, and rename the Flagstaff House, "The Black Star House of Africa" --- since 'Ghana is the Black Star of Africa !!!' "), (or), Gold House, to reflect Ghana's Riches, Nkrumah-Danquah Presidential Palace, or the "Big Six Presidential Palace", in recognition of the Heroic Struggles of Ghana's Independence Heroes", said Kwame Mayor, who su rely, deserves to be Ghana's Roving Ambassador, Ghana's Ambassador to United States, (or Minister of Diaspora Affairs, which was, his published Strategic Idea on Ghanaweb --> on January 15, 2017, captioned: " Kwame Mayor as Minister for Diasporian Affairs", and on January 16, 2017, Ghanaweb's News, captioned "Kwame Mayor Calls for Minister for Diasporian Affairs, and Parliamenrary Seat" -- which he Electronically sent copies to Vice President, Dr Bawumia's Email Address, NPP's Email Addresses; The Castle, Ghana's Ministry of Information, Ghana's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ghana's Embassy in United States, Ghana's High Commission in United Kingdom ----> (Thereafter, as published by Ghanaweb on February 1, 2017, Ghana's Minister of Information, Mustapha Hamid, announced that an Office of Diaspora Liason Office, had been created within the Office of the Presidency, and that the ruling ---> His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo's NPP government, is "not interested in the Political leanings of Ghanaian talents everywhere around the World".

"Fellow Africans, say it loud, we are Black, and Proud", (with due apology to Legendary Singer, James Brown's "Say it loud, I am Black, and Proud"), said the "People's Politician", in response to Ghana's President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo's appeal in his State of the Union Address to Ghanaians, to help his administration come out with an appropriate name to rename 'Flagstaff House'.

Source: Uhuru Times

*** (Listen to Radio Freedom, and BBC-Ghana)

--->(Signed for release: "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng ("Kwame Mayor")

Date signed: February 25, 2017

Telephone + (562) 489-4010 USA

---> (Private Email): KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com

Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (Uhuru Times)