Their primary objective is to help the inhabitants of Begoro
FOBEA (Friends of Begoro Abroad) was formed about a year ago and was officially incorporated on November 20, 2020 as a Non-Profit organization, currently headquartered in the City Of Orlando, the State Of Florida, and USA. Membership of this great organization are citizens of Begoro living abroad respectively.
Since incorporation, the organization has duly introduced itself to the Traditional I-Raders, Political Leaders and The People of Begoro.
The primary objective of this Non-Profit Organization is to assist with the quality delivery of healthcare, education and socio-economic development to the citizens, inhabitants, and the suburbs of Begoro.
Within a year of incorporation, the organization through its collective efforts of members raised about GHC 144,000, and the number keeps increasing as of today. Most of these sums raised were spent on painting The District Hospital, Procurement of various medical equipment for Begoro Salvation Army Clinic and the purchase of musical instruments for the Presbyterian Senior High School.
Furthermore, sums were spent on the supply and installation of over 120 streetlights to the urban and hinterland communities of Begoro to avert negative nocturnal activities.
Prior to introducing FOBEA'S economic development growth concepts to the Political Leaders to see how we could work collaboratively to attain a common goal, we decided to visit some institutions of interest to ascertain how they are faring to enhance a future productive dialogue with these political leaders.
After completing the painting project at Begoro District Hospital, FOBEA executives therefore sent a patriotic member on a courtesy visit to the hospital to find out if there were other priority projects that may need immediate attention.
It was at this juncture that FOBEA realized the complete neglect of the Health Institution. The visit revealed that most of the Clinical Machinery and Equipment in use were completely broken down, due to lack of maintenance. This visit also revealed that the politicians were not making periodic courtesy visits to keep abreast with their needs and help sustain daily operations of the health agency to enhance save lives.
Begoroman puntuo Nti!
Other pertinent issues at stake discovered by our visiting team also were the stagnation of infrastructure projects at Begoro. This amazing urban town is the District Capital of Fanteakwa North, but unfortunately lacks the following infrastructures:
(a) Non-existence of tarred roads and streets within the municipality for economic growth.
(b) The Osubin River and other sources of water supply within the communities are in deplorable condition. Literally, there are no treated pipe borne water supply in Begoro.
(c) The Police, Fire Service, Water & Sewerage, and others are underfunded and as such unproductive.
(d) The dilapidated Community Center (Belco), Public Schools, The Markets and The Library are death traps to citizens.
(f) Honorable MP has woefully failed to live up to expectations because it is in doubt if he can even mention one soul he has lobbied to find a job, at least in any of the Security Agencies since his THREE consecutive terms in office as MP.
There are no major projects in Begoro that have been initiated and successfully completed by these representatives since independence.
Owing to the infrastructure deficiencies regarding above mentioned projects in Begoro, FOBEA had no alternative, but resort to crying and appealing to the Government, Okyehene and the media to assist rejuvenate all abandoned projects to uplift the economic face of Begoro and its environs.
FOBEA resorting to the government, Nananom and the media to get all stagnant projects reinstated and others in the pipeline to fruition is not an intimidation, defamation of character or tarnishing the reputation of individuals or groups responsible. FOBEA simply wants to ensure citizens of this great District Capital of Fanteakwa - Begoro, receive the equitable share of the national cake or resources for a better life for all inhabitants.
Per this coverage, FOBEA is therefore hoping our political representatives (MP & DC) would one day reach out to have a constructive dialogue with us to enhance create a conducive and sustainable environment for longevity within our communities.
The above assertions and findings are genuine facts with support audio and video coverage to substantiate our cry and grievances to Nananom and the Government.
In conclusion, it is our belief that if there was a Substantive Chief in place, this unfortunate broken leadership crisis would have been called to order appropriately.
We therefore wish to appeal to Okyehene, Nananom and the Kingmakers to hasten the selection and enstoolment of a Legitimate Begorohene and Benkumhene of the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Area as soon as possible. With respect to the above appeal to Nananom, a special appeal letter has been dispatched to the Ofori Panin Fie for Okyehene's immediate attention