
Ghana Deserves U.S. Drones to Capture Terrorists --- Kwame Mayor

Fri, 22 Mar 2013 Source: Uhuru Times

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (UHURU TIMES)

Ghana deserves U.S. Drones to capture Terrorists, now that suspected Al-Queda Political Terrorists have been armed to terrorize innocent residents in Ashanti Region, from all Ethnic Groups, says "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who, via his well read Electronic News Bulletins, was the first Politician to immediately blame Domestic Terrorists for trying to assasinate NPP Vice Presidential Candidate, Dr. Mahamadou Bahumia --- (since NDC, founded by former Military Junta leader Jerry John Rawlings, and AFRC's ex-Spokesman, Boakye Djan, have a history of State-sponsored Terrorism), according to the Great Politician's Political, and News Website : KwameforPresidentGhana.

"Residents in Ashanti Region who are victims of (Rawlings' faction of NDC Terrorists !!!), could have saved themselves from the recent attack by Al-Queda Terrorists, had they read my published News Bulletin in some of Ghana's News Media, especially Ghanaweb.Com, on "the Right to Bear Arms", said the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, and ex-Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama's 2008, and 2012 Campaigns, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, now known as "Kwame Africa".

"All Ghanaians, especially, Residents of Ashanti Region, who are always terrorized by "Rawlings' NDC Commandos", and Al-Queda affiliated Terrorists, should henceforth, arm themselves with AK 47, Knives, Bows, and Arrows", said the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela", who has asked United States of America, and United Nations, to deploy Under-Cover Counter Terrorism Experts, and secret U.S. Drones to capture Al-Queda Terrorists now operating in Ghana, who are savagery, and cowardly, terrorizing innocent Residents of Ashanti Region, (whether they are innocent Asantes, innocent Fantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Dagombas, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akuapems, innocent Frafras, innocent Krachis, innocent Mamprusis, innocent Kusasis, innocent Nanumbas, innocent Komkombas, innocent Sisalas, innocent Dagartes, innocent Hausas, etc, etc).

The right to bear Arms is a Constitutional Right to Prevent Tyranny --- said "Osagyefo Dr" "Kwame Africa", formerly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who has called for a National Intellectual Debate to find solutions in preventing future Dictatorship, or Tyranny, on his Sensational News, and Political Website : WWW.KwameforPresidentGhana.Com

"Agents of Ghana's ruling Government, especially the (few) Anti-American Enemies of Democracy, within the National Security, and the BNI, have no Legal, Moral, or Ethical right to pressure Free Speech, or, Freedom-Loving Newspapers, and News Websites, especially, the Nation's recognised Website, WWW.Ghanaweb.Com, from removing, or, hiding my Intellectual Publications.

Writing on his latest News, and Political Website : http://WWW.KwameforPresidentGhana.Com, the leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Africa, said "Ghana's Constitution should include the Right to bear Arms, to prevent Tyranny, or Dictatorship".

Ironical, the International Politician is supporting President Barack Obama's Gun Control Laws, since Mentally-Retarded Individuals addicted to Cocaine, Wicked People, "Satanic Worshippers", Child Molesters, Gays, and Lesbians; Bi-Sexuals, Tran-Sexuals, and (Non-Believers) of Biblical Principles of Ten Commandments, especially, "Thou Shall Not Kill", etc, etc, have been shooting, and killing innocent People daily in United States.

The first indigenous African to run for a higher Public Office in the History of United States of America, (since America gained its Independence from Great Britain in 1776), called for a Continental Congress in United States to amend the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms.

"United States should amend its Constitutional "Right to Bear Arms", to (exclude) the Right to Bear Bullets, since nowhere in the Constitution calls for the Right to carry Bullets !!!".

"The fact that American Constitution calls for the Right to bear Arms does not mean the Right to carry Bullets to kill innocent Americans", said the Politician, who cautioned Ghanaians, and other Africans that when his Bill to bear Arms in Ghana, and Africa in general is approved, he will be the same Person to call for its abolishment, [if] the Guns are not used to prevent future Dictatorship, but are used to Satanically kill innocent People.

"If the White House wants to abolish the Right to Bear Arms, then All Americans, and Residents in United States, should be guaranteed Equal Right to enjoy Freedom, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness !!!", said the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, dubbed "America's Mandela".

Praising most Police Officers, and most FBI, and CIA Agents as Good Human Beings, (whose responsibility should absolutely be directed to protecting the Noble ideals, and ideas of Democracy, Freedom, and Liberty) --- but condemning the (few) Rogue, and Anti-American Police Officers, FBI, and CIA Agents who are Murderers, and Assassins, (without the Knowledge of the Civilized Democratic Government at the White House), the Legendary Democracy Activist publicly appealed to the Leader of the Free World, to immediately abolish the Savagery Police License to Kill (innocent) Civilians, and also, prosecute the [few] FBI, and CIA Savagery Assassins, and Savagery Al-Queda Terrorists who have infiltrated into the Police Force, or, have Camouflaged themselves as Police Officers, to kill innocent Americans, and other innocent People, and always cover their evil deeds with absolute lies !!!".

"Where else in the World are Police Officers given the License to Kill even [innocent] Human Beings, assassinate, or, conspire to assasinate Civil Rights Leaders, Human Rights Activists, or Democracy Activists", asked the Greatest Politician of all time, who has survived several Politically-Motivated Assassination attempts, and Savagery Politically-Motivated Trial of the Century, when he became the first indigenous African to run for a higher Public Office in the History of United States of America --- since America gained its Independence from Great Britain in 1776.

"I am a victim of Domestic Terrorism, and External Terrorism", said the Human Rights, and Civil Rights Activist, who successfully advised the White House, via, published Policy Recommendations sent to the White House, on "Moral Basis" for United States' Military intervention in Libya to oust former Dictator, Mu'ammar Gaddafi, (in order to save lives !!!), successfully advised the White House, via, published News Bulletin sent to the White House, on Military overthrow of Egypt's former President, Hosni Mubarak (in order to save lives !!!); successfully advised the White House, and United Nations, via, published News Bulletin sent to the White House, and U.N, on "48 Hours Ultimatum" to former Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo to relinquish Power, or face Bombardment in his hide-out (in order to save lives !!!), and successfully advised former President George Bush's White House, via, Non-Profit Proposals, and published News Bulletin, sent to the White House, State Department, etc, etc, on "American-led Democratic Revolution Around the World" --- (Thereafter, former Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, announced President George Bush's Foreign Policy of "American-led Democratic Revolution Around the World !!!")

"I seek protection from the Civilized Democratic White House to continue to fight Terrorists", the Greatest Politician of all time, wrote on his News, and Political Website : WWW.KwameforPresidentGhana.Com

The International Politician blamed Ghana's ruling NDC Government of always using Ethnic, and Tribal lines to divide the Nation, and inciting (innocent Tribes, and innocent Ethnic Groups), against (innocent Ashantis !!!) --- "just because we are Ashantis, and not because we are Ashantis", said the Fair-Minded Pan Africanist, and Pro-American Democracy Activist, who wants to become Governor of California in 2014, and use his enriching American experience to run for President of Ghana, in 2016, as he urged the whole World to click to his News, and Political Website : http://WWW.KwameforPresidentGhana.Com

Source: Uhuru Times