
Ghana Needs Holy War Against Corrption - Kwame Mayor

Sun, 6 Oct 2013 Source: Uhuru Times

" The Nation needs a genuine Multi-Party Democracy, although His Excellency, President John Mahama has the right to complete his term in office. However, those who are looting, or have looted Ghana --the Beloved Country, in the past, or present, and the Enemies of United States within the Country, who are Terrorizing their own People, must be invaded, and captured, in order to retrieve the Nations stolen money to the People, and in order to end Politically-Motivated Terrorism, says the "People's Politician", and leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC) --- "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, in his Weekly Political Broadcast to the Nation --- brazenly telling Ghanaians around the World, and the International Community that sometimes, he feels in his (Holy Dreams !!!), like invading Ghana with Salvation Forces, or Democratic-Oriented "Seleka Rebels", to capture not only Satanic, or dangerous Anti-American, or Pro Al-Queda, and Bokom Haram Terrorists, but to capture wicked Corrupt People who are looting (Ghana --- the Beloved Country), everyday, and furthermore, to capture those who have already looted, divided, and destroyed Ghana, such as Rawlings, Boakye Djan, Kufuor, Woyome, Ahwoi Brothers, Kojo Tsikata, Tsastu Tsikata, Kwadwo Mpianim, Dr. Richard Anane, Stephen Asamoah Boateng, ("Asaabe"), Dr. Wereko Brobbey, and Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom, etc, etc, --- (in order to retrieve Ghana's stolen Money, back to the People, by the People, and for the People, and furthermore, in order to end Politically-Motivated Terrorism).

Ahwoi Brothers became filthy rich through Corruption, by looting Ghana's Money, after collaborating with Rawlings, (Boakye Djan), Kojo Tsikata, Tsastu Tsikata, and Professor Kofi Awoonor, etc, etc, in June 4th Terrorist Revolution, which Savagery executed former Heads of State, and Army Generals by Firing Squad --- a Terrorist Revolution that calculated to divide, and destroy innocent Akans; conspired to exterminate innocent Ashantis from the surface of the Earth, to divide innocent Ewes, and innocent Ashantis, and sadly, to divide all innocent Ghanaians, whether they are innocent Buems, innocent Krachis, innocent Dagombas, innocent Gonjas, innocent Frafras, innocent Kusasis, innocent Nanumbas, innocent Komkombas, innocent Sisalas, innocent Hausas, innocent Togolese Community in Ghana, innocent Malian Northners in Ghana, innocent Youruba Community in Ghana, and innocent Ibo Community in Ghana, etc, etc, said the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela", who has again, called for "One Million Men, and Women's People's March Against Corruption.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor has meanwhile, declared his intention to challenge His Excellency, President John Mahama in 2016, for NDC Flagbearership --- in order to restore Probity, and Accountability, and also, in order to protect Ghanaians, or Africans' Civilized Culture, Values, and Traditions which are (100% opposed to the Evils, and Satanism of Homosexuality; Gayism, Bi-Sexualism, Tran-Sexualism, and Lesbianism).

Kwame Mayor, who speaks in Sophisticated Shakespearean Literature Language of Metaphors, cautioned that Ahwoi Brothers could someday, face Public Executions in another June 4th Revolution, as they did unto others.

However, the Forgiving, and Humanistic Politician appealed to all Ghanaians to (reject un-necessary violence, and retaliation), and pledged to follow the example of the Legendary Nelson Mandela, who called for Armed Struggle !!! --- Yet, forgave his enemies, for the sake of Peace, and National Reconciliation.

The "People's Politician" again, called for "One Million Men, and Women's Peaceful, and Non-Violent March", across Ghana, to retrieve Ghana's Stolen Money from Isofoton, Waterville, Woyome, Ahwoi Brothers, Rawlings, Boakye Djan, Woyome, Kufuor, Kojo Tsikata, Tsastu Tsikata, Dr. Richard Anane, Professor Kofi "Tribalistic" Awoonor, Stephen Asamoah Boateng, ("Asaabe"), Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom, Dr. Wereko Brobbey, and Kwadwo Mpianim, whether they are Alive, or Dead !!!.

"Rawlings, Kufuor, Woyome, Ahwoi Brothers, Boakye Djan, Kojo Mpianim, Dr. Richard Anane, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom, Kojo Tsikata, Tastu Tsikata, Stephen Asamoah Boateng ("Asaabe"), Dr. Wereko Brobbey, etc, etc, should [all] vomit Ghana's stolen money !!!", warned the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela", who successfully advised the White House on (Moral Basis) to overthrow Libya's "Mad Dog", Mu'ammer Gaddafi --- (in order to save lives !!!); successfully advised the White House on Military intervention to overthrow former Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak (who is less evil than Mu'ammer Gaddafi) --- (in order to save lives !!!), and successfully advised the White House, and United Nations (U.N.) on "48 Hours Ultimatum" to former Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo to surrender, or face Bombardment in his hide-out --- (in order to save lives !!!).

Touching on Ghana's Unity, the Great Politician pleaded with Ghanaians to totally (reject) Tribalism and Racism --- (reminding Ghanaians again, that Asantes, and Ewes will forever live as African, or Ghanaian Brothers and Sisters) --- despite the "Satanic Ethnic Divide" that Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry Rawlings, Major (Retired) Boakye Djan, Ahwoi Brothers, Kojo Tsikata, and the late Professor Kofi ("Tribalistic") Awoonor, brought to the Nation during their 1979 "June 4th Pigs Revolution", and PNDC Terrorist regime.

"Once again, let's all be reminded that in the Good old days, before Rawlings and Boakye Djan divided the Nation on Ethnic lines, due to their Tribalistic-motivated public executions of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa; the brave Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and the murder of the brave Odartey Wellington), my Parents, Asante Royals, and staunch Nkrumahists who believed in Freedom, named my younger brother after a prominent and powerful Ewe and Trade Unionist, Mr. John Tetegah", said the "Larger than Life Pan-Africanist", who founded Adopt a Tribe Foundation.

"My step Sisters and a step brother who hail from the Kente weaving Town of (Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana), and who travelled and lived in such places as Kete Krachi and Jasikan, etc, can speak fluent Ewe", said the Pan-Africanist Asante Royal Politician from Bamang, near Kente-weaving Village of Bonwire in Ashanti Region, who boasts that he will be the first Politician in Ghana to win Landslide victories in both Ashanti and Volta Regions, and the only seasoned Politician (capable of permanently uniting Asantes and Ewes, as well as permanently uniting other Ghanaian Brothers and Sisters).

"Folks, the Good old days when Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah united Ghana under "One Nation with a Common Destiny", was barbarically, and savagery destroyed by the Architects of the 1979 "Pigs Revolution" --- Boakye Djan and Jerry John Rawlings, who divided the Nation by killing on Ethnic, or Tribal lines".

"It's strange that Rawlings, who executed former Heads of State, and Army Generals for allegedly, committing Corruption, has himself, become a Millionaire, through Corruption, and stealing of the Nation's Assets !!!" .

"June 4th was indeed, not only an Animal Farm's Revolution, but a Terrorist Revolution like the Al-Queda's September 11 Terrorism !!!", said the Ghanaian born "America's Mandela", who has again, pleaded with United States to build Military bases in Ghana to capture Al-Queda, and Boko Haram Terrorists, and has also pleaded with United Nations (U.N.) to arrest, and prosecute Rawlings, Boakye Djan, for their Crimes Against Humanity.

" Ghana indeed, needs a genuine Multi-Party Democracy, and His Excellency, President John Mahama has every right to complete his term in office. However, Verily !!!, Verily !!!, I say unto you, that those who are looting Ghana, or have looted the Country in the past, must be invaded, and captured, in order to retrieve the Nations stolen money to the People, said the "People's Politician", who is seeking support from all Ghanaians, and Global support to retrieve Ghana's stolen money, by any Moral, Ethical, or Legal means necessary. to the People, by the People, and for the People.

Source: Uhuru Times