
Ghanaians Discuss The Future Of Their Country On 6th March

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Wed, 9 Mar 2011 Source: Kwaku Anane-Gyinde

A forum to discuss the future of Ghana was held on Sunday March 6th to mark the 54th Anniversary of the Country’s independence. The forum which was organized by the Aachen Chapter of the New Patriotic Party {NPP} was attended by Ghanaians from all parts of state of NRW, and was under the theme ‘Moving Ghana Forward’. In an address, Mr Alhassan Yakubu Talli who chaired the function said the Party decided to hold a forum rather than the usual dining, dancing and merry making that has characterised such celebrations .He explained that the economic hardships created by the NDC government makes it imperative that Ghanaians should be discussing and thinking of ways and means by which the country should be salvaged from the current economic mess in which it finds itself.

While admitting that nation building is the collective responsibility of all citizens, he made it clear that the role of leadership cannot be overlooked and that is what is lacking today under the Mills –Mahama administration. Ghana, he pointed out is being ruled today by a government that seem to be leaderless, has no vision and is without sense of purpose and direction.

The industrial action by teachers and other workers ,he said, indicates the level of frustration and disillusionment amongst ordinary Ghanaians. In the midst of this crisis, the NDC government is prepared to pay between 15,000 and 20,00 dollars per month to some selected media personnel and government officials to peddle and propagate lies and deception Mr Alhassan stated. The 42 year-old investment banker said the Better Ghana Agenda has become a Bitter Ghana Agenda so the government was forced to abandon it and has now come out with the action year which in fact is ration year. He added that the only thing that is not rationed is the massive corruption and uncontrolled greed amongst government officials and NDC party executives.

In his contribution, Nana Ato Arthur, former Central Regional Minister paid tribute to the founding fathers for their dedication and hard work which brought Ghana its political independence. He told the gathering that Ghana has consolidated it democracy after five successful elections which brought opposition parties into government.

Nana Ato Arthur was ,however ,concerned that the democratic gains made in recent times are being reversed under the NDC government and Ghana is now going back to days when one cannot speak without being picked up in the next hour under the rather ridiculous charge of causing fear and panic. As Ghanaians ‘We have a duty to resist and stand up against the creeping dictatorship engulfing our country’ he added.

The former Regional Minister reminded Ghanaians that the ‘Red Alert’ issued by the President against his political opponents is a wakeup call to be vigilant and stand up against attempts by the NDC government to intimidate the opposition.

Nana Ato Arth ur noted with regret that the social intervention programmes put in place by the NPP government have all but crumbled under the Mills-Mahama administration. The National Health Insurance Scheme has fallen apart, the National Youth Employment Programme is now dysfunctional and the School Feeding Programme has been abandoned by a president who claims he ‘Cares’ for the people. According to him the recent statement by Mr Asiedu Nketia{General Mosquito] General Secretary of the ruling NDC to the effect that the government was not ready to implement ROPAA[Representation of the People’s Amendment Act] is a reminder to Ghanaians in Diaspora that the NDC government is bent on excluding them in deciding the future direction of the currently. ’It is all well to support your families in Ghana, it is alright to invest in your country, is acceptable to bring your remittances so that we can use it import tractors and share amongst ourselves but you are not good enough to vote’ he concluded During the open forum the issues that were of most concern to Ghanaians is the acts of lawlessness by the NDC foot soldiers, the massive corruption at the Tema Harbour,the use of abusive and insulting language by government officials and the deliberate decision by the NDC government to exclude Ghanaians is diaspora in the political process.

Kwaku Anane-Gyinde Aachen-Germany

Source: Kwaku Anane-Gyinde