
Invitation to all GaDangme Press (worldwide)

Thu, 14 Apr 2011 Source: Martey Dodoo

Dear Press representative:

On behalf of the Executive Board of GaDangme International (GDI-North America), I warmly invite you, and all the members of your Press organization to the 2011 GDI Summit Conference in Washington DC (May 27-29). Visit our website at:, often to see what we mean. We update the web content and information at least twice a week.

Our renewed objective is to be inclusive. We want to listen, work with, learn from, and build with everyone who is interested in development of the South Eastern Ghana region. Please see our new “GDI Vision and Mission” statement on the “About Us” page of our website. So there are no restrictions on any person or organization working with us. We work with everyone and we allow you to contribute to the mechanics and structure of how we work together.

You have devoted a lot of your time and resources to your Press programs, and we all owe you a deep gratitude and will like to honor you at the upcoming Summit in DC.

We expect as attendees at this conference: (1) members of many of the GaDangme organizations in North America, (2) members of many of the GaDangme organizations in Europe, (3) a number of representatives of GaDangme youth from Ghana, (4) members of many Ghanaian diaspora organizations in the DC metro area, (5) US representatives of NGOs already working in Ghana, (6) many Press personalities from Europe and North America and other local Diaspora Press personalities, and (7) a large technical group from GBC-TV that is coming to record throughout the 3 days of the conference for a number of special TV magazine shows in Ghana.

If you are coming from outside the DC metro area, we request that your organization support this conference, by making at least one hotel room reservation at the Gaylord National Resort (the conference hotel) using the GDI Group Code “X-GAD11”. See the “GDI Conference Guide” at our website: : Your organization may subsidize your representatives and help pay this hotel rates. It is a worthwhile cause. For reservations call 001 (301) 965-4000. Cut-off date for room reservations is April 29. These hotel room reservations offset the cost of the meeting rooms we will use at the conference, so GDI will owe you and your organization deep gratitude if you reserve at least 1 hotel room and stay at the conference hotel in luxury (far better than crashing with a friend.)

GDI is moving boldly ahead and we need you to stand hand-in-hand with us as we embark on this important endeavor. You have already done a lot so you can’t stop now. Come with your fellow Press and Radio presenters to this year’s Conference to be honored and to contribute to the future of GaDangme.

Please share this invitation with your colleagues in your organization and other relevant organizations we may have missed. We warmly invite all of them to get involved in what we are trying to do for GaDangme, and to come to the Conference if they can. There is a very important role that the Radio presenters, the Press and organizations can play for GaDangme right now. Please, share our enthusiasm and our website with your listeners, with your family and friends. Print and take copies of the attached PDF flyer to your colleagues.

I look forward to personally welcome you at the Conference and share ideas with you. Please do not hesitate to call me on my home phone: 001 (715) 502-4338 to discuss your plans, ideas and priorities and the ideas and priorities of your Press program. I will really love to hear from you, and to learn from you, so please call as soon as you can.

With best regards from,

Nii Martey Sam Dodoo

Representing the GDI (NA) Executive

Source: Martey Dodoo