
Kennedy Agyapong is "June 4th Jihadist" - Kwame Mayor

Wed, 17 Aug 2011 Source: UHURU TIMES

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES

The leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition, (GAC), "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame (Appiah)

Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who

authored "IRS Has No Right to Investigate Rolls Royce Kennedy Agyapong", has

descended heavily on the Member of Parliament for praising former Military Junta

leader, Jerry John Rawling's extra-judicial killings, mayhem and torture during the

days of "June 4th Pigs Revolution" --- describing Kennedy Agyapong as a "June 4th

Jihadist" who deserves to join Rawling's faction of NDC, and not a democratic and

freedom-loving Political Party like NPP, which respects fundamental Human Rights of

all Ghanaians, regardless of tribe, ethnicity or political affiliation.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah, the 2004/2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso

Constituency and Founder of Nkrumah Foundation, publicly told Ghanaians that (unless

President Atta Mills' democratic side of NDC, completely weans itself from Rawlings

and merges with the CPP, he would be left with no other choice than joining NPP.

The former Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama's Campaign, praised His

Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills for gradually, turning a once Terrorist

NDC Party to a democratic one, and courageously, refusing to allow Rawlings to turn

it into another AFRC and PNDC --- but noted with regret that "there is blood in the

hands of some of the PNDC members who are now serving in Mills' government".

Pleading to Ghanaians of every Tribe, Ethnic Group, Religious and

Political affiliation to forgive, but to never forget, the Human Rights and Civil

Rights Politician, dubbed "America's Mandela", nevertheless said :

" The White House should know that there is [still] blood in the hands of some of

the People serving with President John Evans Atta Mills, and they must face trial

for "Crimes Against Humanity", and "Crimes of Attempted Genocide Against Asantes and

Other Tribes who lived in Kumasi, during AFRC and PNDC Days" -- (regardless, whether

they were innocent Asantes, innocent Ewes, innocent Gas, innocent Adangbes, innocent

Hausas, innocent Dagombas, innocent Frafras, innocent Mamprusis, innocent Fantes,

innocent Akyems, innocent Kwahus, innocent Denkyiras, innocent Akuapems, innocent

Sisalas, innocent Nanumbas, innocent Krachis, innocent Brongs, to mention but a


"His Excellency, President Atta Mills should boldly defect to the CPP, and run

as the Flagbearer of Dr.Kwame Nkrumah's Party, or as an alternative, boldly, remove

Rawlings as the Flagbearer of the NDC, said "Kwame Mayor".

The "Playboy Politician" explained that he supported Rawlings' wife, Nana Konadu

Agyemang Rawlings for the NDC Flagbearership, because he wanted Ghana to give "Our

beautiful Ghanaian or African Women a chance to also become President".

" I also supported Rawlings' wife for the Flagbearership, because I wanted to

marry Ms. Yaa Asantewaa Rawlings, daughter of the Rawlinses, and continue my

'Trade-Mark' of criticising the 'Dark Days of AFRC and PNDC', which former President

John Agyekum Kufuor served out of greediness, selfishness and wickedness", said the

Conscience of the Nation.


Africa Watch International, a new Human Rights Non-Profit organization headed by

former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah

Boateng, has publicly asked United Nations to seek arrest warrant against a Ghanaian

Pastor Obinim, who publicly boasted that he "cursed his own child and crippled him".

(Africa Watch speculated that the Pastor may have physically damaged the Child's

head and also, may have physically broken the Child's legs to cripple him.)

The Human Rights organization urged Law Enforcement in Ghana to investigate the

matter as soon as possible, while urging Doctors to properly examine

the Child.

In yet, another development, the Founder and President of Africa Watch, has publicly

pledged to help Ivorian refugees in Ghana and elsewhere, to return home safely to

contribute to their Country's development --- assuring the refugees that his Human

Rights organization would seek guarantees from Cote d'Ivoire's President, His

Excellency, Alhassan Ouattara, that the Refugees' Human Rights, Civil Rights and

Constitutional Rights would be respected.

Africa Watch seeks to use peaceful, non-violent and diplomatic means to help African

governments to improve their Human Rights record, and the Founder and Executive

Director, who advised the White House and the United Nations to get rid of former

Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo within 48 Hours --- (the operations to oust Gbagbo

took place exactly 48 hours after the White House gave the "Green Light" and French

forces bombarded Gbagbo's hideout all night), publicly urged His Excellency,

President Ouattara to "do the right thing" to ensure that none of his former Rebel

Commanders violate the Human Rights or the Civil Rights of any Ivorian.

" The World Community believe that President Alassane Ouattara would bring

genuine democratic reforms to Cote d'Ivoire, and he should not betray that trust",

said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who has publicly pleaded with President Ouattara to

pardon former President Laurent Gbagbo, through National Reconciliation Commission

process --- in order to permanently heal Ivory Coast.

"Cote d'Ivoire's leaders can learn from the legendary Nelson Mandela and

forgive, in order to move the Nation forward", said the first Ghanaian born to run

for a higher Political office in the history of America --- "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame

Mayor, who has pointed out that [if] Ghana had not forgiven "Adolf Hitler's

Disciples" and "Mass Murderers" like Major (retired) Boakye Djan and Jerry John

Rawlings's PNDC Military regime, which former President John Agyekum Kufuor greedily

and selfishly served without shame, Ghana would have been, (God-forbid), like hell

by now".

>>> (Signed for release): "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame "Mayor" Boateng

>>> Africa Watch International --- (+562) 489-4010 USA

>>> [Private Email]: KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com

>>> [Private Website] : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com