In less than 6 weeks, Kwahu Citizens Abroad would be preparing to kick start 2014 Easter festivities in their various countries to raise funds for their annual developmental projects. Over the years, this has been a normal routine for Kwahu Associations Abroad; they contribute their quota through annual fundraisers to support their counterparts back home who partake in weekly communal labor exercise in the region.
Kwahuman Association of New York has been very instrumental in championing this community improvement crusade. New York has set the bar high, enough, for other Kwahu Associations within United States and Canada to emulate. The Association, within 4 years, has donated 65 laptop computers, 10000 library books and over 1500 tons of medical supplies to Okwawu United Association of North America to distribute among towns in the Traditional Area. In addition, for an estimated cost of $30,000, the Traditional Council facility which used to accommodate only 19 chiefs has been reconstructed with a capacity to house 250 people. Kwahu Traditional Area needs financial help and citizens with community service spirit to assist deprived communities that lack basic amenities like community healthcare post and decent school facilities. A lot has to be done by citizens and friends of Kwahu to uplift the image of the Kwahu Kingdom; one of the oldest in History. People forget their past when they find the greener pastures, ironically, some don’t even go back to visit schools they attended to see if help is needed. In the words of Muhammad Ali, “service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”. The President of the Association, Frederick Obrempong Ansong-Dwamena, stressed. He reiterated that, this year’s fundraiser will take place at Maestro’s Caterers in the Bronx on April 19th between the hours of 9pm and 4am. The official theme for the gala, which is sponsored by the Women Chapter in the Association, is “Save a Child, Build a Nation”. Proceeds from this event will be directed towards the rehabilitation of Maternity Ward of Atibie Hospital.
Every year, more women die as a result of pregnancy or childbirth complications. In general, Hospitals in Ghana have less headway in reducing maternal mortality and Atibie is no exception; he emphasized. The President has urged Kwahu Citizens worldwide, who do not have local associations, to make contributions to this important project. The list of all benefactors will be posted on the Association’s website for acknowledgments.
All Kwahu Citizens and friends of Kwahu who have the desire to donate to this project can do so by visiting and contribute to this project through paypal.