
Kwame Mayor to Sue Opposition NPP Executives

Wed, 25 Mar 2015 Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (Uhuru Times)

.....for Stealing Strategic Ideas of Election Video Cameras

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (Uhuru Times)

Former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, populary known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", has publicly asked his Attorneys to file Law-Suit against Opposition NPP for stealing his published Strategic Ideas of Election Video Cameras, which he sent copies via Electronic Mails to the White House, Ghana's News Media, such as Ghana News Agency (GNA); Ghanaweb.Com, Graphic, BBC, and Political Parties in Ghana, such as CPP, NPP, and NDC

The Scholary Politician presented evidence as follows :

* >>> (Evidence to prove to the whole World that the Strategic Idea of Election Video Cameras was made by former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, Kwame Appiah Boateng, populary known as "Kwame Mayor", who sent his News Bulletin (Published Idea) Electronically to the News Media, such as Ghanaweb.Com, on August 31, 2014, and also sent copies to New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and furthermore, Kwame Mayor, the Ideas Consultant, sent copies to the White House, United Nations, etc, etc).


+ > Evidence of the Electronic Mail sent Electronically to, which mentioned Election Video cameras !!!

*** >>> On Sunday, August 31, 2014 11:05 PM, Kwame Mayor wrote:

September 1, 2014


All Election Polling Stations in Ghana Should Have Cameras, Videos, and Screens to Showcase Election Results to the People --- Kwame Mayor

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (UHURU TIMES)

Kwame Mayor, a former Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, and an anticipated Ph.D. Student in Political Science and International Relations, who serves as the Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), says [all] Polling Stations in Ghana, and other Countries around the World, should have Cameras, Video Cameras, and Screens to showcase Election results to the People, as evidence, in order to prevent rigging of Elections --- and moreover, to prevent spoiled ballots, Voters' Hands, (while dropping their Ballots into the Boxes provided by Electoral Commission, in sealed Envelopes), should be clearly watched by Observers --- furthermore, no Voter should be covered, or, hidden in secrecy while casting his, or her votes, since 419 Criminals take advantage of their hiding, or secrecy while voting, to dump ink, acid, and bleach to spoil Ballots in the strongholds, or Constituencies of their Political Opponents, WWW.GhanaWebsite.Org, the Politician's new Website, reports.

The Ideas Consultant cautioned that his Strategic ideas cannot be copied, or, imitated without permission.


Again, blaming Ghana's Supreme Court's irresponsible Election Verdict for creating (un-necessary) room for future "All Die be Die" Elections, since although Elections of the People, should be decided by the People, and for the People --- (nevertheless), when Elections are rigged, especially by the Electoral Commission, and there is Empirical Evidence to prove to the Electorate that an Election has been rigged, Civility of Human Beings in a Democratic Society demands that the Judiciary branch of Government should be the arbiter of Justice --- Intellectual Giant at the turn of the New Millennium, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, populary known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", says Akuffo Addo's second Victory at the Second NPP Delegates Congress would grant him either 90% of the Votes, or even 99%, which would be tantamount to the Tsunami, destroying "Allan Cash" --- and the Titanic also sinking Allan Cash, as well as the other NPP Flagbearership Candidates.

"I can still beat Nana Akuffo Addo, and President John Mahama, in any Free, and Fair election", said Kwame Mayor.


The Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), publicly appealed to the Electoral Commission to ensure that (all) Presidential Candidates, including His Excellency, President John Mahama, are tested for H.I.V. / Aids, and Ebola, in order to protect the Nation, and also, Presidential Candidates should be circumcised --- (except) Women.

The "Oracle of Delphi" in the Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato days, who has transformed into the ("Oracle of Bamang") in Modern Day Ghana, says even [if] Allan Kwadwo Kyeremanten, aka "Allan Cash", and other NPP Flagbearership Candidates concede defeat --- the second NPP Delegates Congress to be held in October 2014, should still continue to teach "Allan Cash" a Big Lesson that God Almighty does not tolerate over-ambitious People who Satanically sabotage their perceived Political Opponents, or who try to destroy their Opponents, by any illegal means necessary, as he Allan Cash did to betray, harm, and destroy him Kwame Mayor --- at the time when he (Allan Kwadwo Kyerematen, aka "Allan Cash"), served as Ghana's Ambassador to United States, under the Selfish, and Greedy former President John Agyekum Kufuor's Administration.

"Nana Akuffo Addo is [not] old" --- Kwame Mayor told Ghanaians.

"Even a 103 Japanese Man still runs, set a record, and considers himself young".

"Folks, Nana Akuffo Addo is older than Allan Kwadwo Kyerematen, "Allan Cash", yet, it appears that Nana is even more Healthier than "Allan Cash", said the Fair-Minded Politician, who has again, publicly advised "Allan Cash" to trim his weight for Health reasons, and kindly advised the whole Nation to take Good Care of their Diet, by eating more Vegetables, Fruits; drinking Good Water, and Exercising Daily, so that when they get old like the late Nelson Mandela, or like the living Nana Akuffo Addo, they too can be strong.

Once again, the Moralist Politician insisted that all Presidential Candidates should be tested for H.I.V. / Aids, to protect the Nation, and also, all Presidential Candidates should be circumcised, (except) Female Presidential Candidates.

" There is still (rumour) that former President John Agyekum Kufuor ruled Ghana Immorally, and Un-Ethically, as an (un-circumcised) President, and since his wife is very honest, she should come out, and testify to the whole Nation, whether it is true that her husband (Kufuor) is indeed, Savagery un-circumcised, in a Civilized 21st Century we live in, and that is why he (Kufuor) acted as a Coward, Corrupt, Selfish, and Greedy, even while in Office.

"Finally, Satanic Homosexuals, and Lesbians' Terrorists, whose ("Chemical Weapons of H.I.V. / Aids"), are calculated to exterminate the Black Race from the surface of the Earth, should never be allowed to rule Ghana, (or) any African Country, which is opposed to evils of Gayism, and Lesbianism", said the Pan-Africanist Politician, who has praised Zimbabwe's President, Robert Mugabe, and Uganda's President, Museveni, for (preventing) Imperialists, and Neo-Colonialists from imposing their Satanic Gayism, Lesbianism, Bi-Sexualism, and Tran-Sexualism, on the Continent of Africa, calculated to exterminate the entire Black Race, and the Human Race, from the Surface of the Earth.

Returning to Politics, the Living Legend in his own right, (whose famouse Paternal Uncle Politician, the late Mr. Joe Appiah, of Blessed Memory, gave "Political Equal Opportunity" to Gas, when he appointed an indigenous Ga --- the late Bannerman as his Presidential Running Mate, during "Abaa-base" days), told the Nation that "Ghana is not only for Akans, Northerners, Gas, and Ewes only --- but for [all] Ghanaians".

Therefore, it is time for NPP to prepare Perry Okudzeto, an Ewe, or, Dr. Mahamadou Bahumia, a Northerner, to become the Party's 2020 Flagbearer, and it is also, time for NDC, an off-shoot of AFRC/PNDC Blood-Thirsty Terrorist Revolution, and a dangerous Anti-Asante, and Anti-American Political Party, to allow an Asante like me, (Kwame Mayor), to become its Flagbearer in 2020 --- in order to unite Ghana, and in order to merge NDC, and NDP", said the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela", who says he has forgiven Rawlings, and Boakye Djan, until Judgement Day !!! --- but they (Rawlings, and Boakye Djan), should offer themselves to the Nation, [if] they are really Men of Courage --- (to be executed by Firing Squad, for their Crimes Against Humanity), reports, WWW.GhanaWebsite.Org

Source : Uhuru Times

>>> (Signed for Release): "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor"

(Other Source): WWW.GhanaWebsite.Org

>>> Email: UhuruTimes@Yahoo.Com

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Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (Uhuru Times)