
Kwame Mayor wants $30 million or else ....

Mon, 16 Jan 2012 Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES

Aspiring Ghana's Presidential Hopeful, and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles< Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who has announced his intention to seek the Flagbearership of Convention People's Party (CPP), the Party that led Ghana into Independence, and founded by Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, has threatened to quit the 2012 Presidential race --- unless he raises approximately $30 Million Dollars for a successful campaign, and gets rented Private Jets, Armoured Cars, Mercedes Benz, BMWs, Limousines, Jaguars, etc, etc, to campaign, and spread his inspiring messages across the Country, for a Landslide victory.

The deadline for CPP Flagbearership nomination is February 27, 2012, but the Politician said that unless he raises approximately $30 Million, and / or receives approximately $30 Million Bank Loans to run a successful campaign to become< President of Ghana, the Land of Gold, Diamonds, Bauxite, Cocoa, Timber and Oil, etc, etc, he will have no choice than to quit the race.

Aspiring Ghana's Presidential Hopeful, and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles< Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who has announced his intention to seek the Flagbearership of Convention People's Party (CPP), the Party that led Ghana into Independence, and founded by Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, has threatened to quit the 2012 Presidential race --- unless he raises approximately $30 Million Dollars for a successful campaign, and gets rented Private Jets, Armoured Cars, Mercedes Benz, BMWs, Limousines, Jaguars, etc, etc, to campaign, and spread his inspiring messages across the Country, for a Landslide victory.

The deadline for CPP Flagbearership nomination is February 27, 2012, but the Politician said that unless he raises approximately $30 Million, and / or receives approximately $30 Million Bank Loans to run a successful campaign to become< President of Ghana, the Land of Gold, Diamonds, Bauxite, Cocoa, Timber and Oil, etc, etc, he will have no choice than to quit the race.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor", the pro-American Democracy Activist, and founder of Gateway Consulting and Strategic Ideas, (a subsidiary of Boateng and Associates), which specializes in Policy, Political, Security, and Strategic Ideas --- successfully advised the White House on ("Moral Basis") for U.S. Military intervention to oust Libya's former Dictator, Mu'ammar Gaddafi -- (in order to save lives); successfully advised the White House on Military intervention to end the dictatorship of former Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak --- (in order to save lives), and succesfully advised the White House, and United Nations (U.N.) to bombard the (hide-out) of former Ivorian Dictator, Laurent Gbagbo in "48 Hours" to surrender, (in order to save lives), and thereafter, White House gave the "Green Light" to France to bombard Gbagbo's hide-out, leading to his capture --- assured Ghana's neighbouring Countries, especially Nigeria, that if he wins the 2012 Ghana's Presidential election, he would allow United States of America, Britain, Canada, France and Germany, to build Military bases in Ghana to prevent the spread of evils of terrorism into Africa, and also, dispactch Ghana's Armed Forces to help them crush "Satanic Terrorists", especially, dangerous Anti-American "Al-Queda Terrorist Bastards".

The self proclaimed ("Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah"), who is considered by American Public Officials as "more educated than 70 % of America's population", pledged to end corruption in his Native Country of Ghana, and urged Ghanaians in all the Regions of the Country, and around the World, to contribute directly to the offices of the Convention People's Party, especially, the Headquaters of the CPP Party office in Accra, (on his behalf), to finance his "We the People's Presidential Campaign", to save Ghana.

The Presidential aspirant announced that he has established ("One Cedi across Ghana"), to enable many Ghanaians, in all the Regions, to contribute to his Presidential Campaign, and ("One Dollar Across America"), to finance his registered "Opearation Democracy Endure" around the World, while urging Business Groups, and all "Believers of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty", to pay his (Kwame "Mayor" Boateng for CPP Flagbearership Filing Fee") --- directly to the Headquaters of the Convention People's Party (CPP), in Accra --- before the Party's Filing deadline on January 27, 2012, and / or, to pay his (Kwame "Mayor" Boateng for President of Ghana Campaign Fund), via Western Union, Money Gram, Visa, Master Card, Money Orders, Checks, etc, etc, by calling his Overseas Campaign Telephone number (+562) 489-4010 , in(USA), or sending Electronic Mail to : KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com.

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, and Founder of Gateway Policy, Political and Security Consulting, and Strategic Ideas Services, brings his extraordinary Political experience in America's Politics to help his Native Country of Ghana : ---
"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor graduated from the prestigious University of Southern California (USC), a school for Hollywood Stars, Children of Celebreties, the rich, as well as genuises.
He did Doctoral (Coursework) in Public Administration at (USC), MPA – Public Administration, Finance & Policy emphasis, (USC), Master’s
Certificate in Public Financial Management, (USC), B.S. – Public Administration (Management & Personnel), (USC).
Furthermore, the Scholarly Politician did coursework in Paralegal
(Legal Assistance), and Real Estate , at West Los Angeles College (WLAC), and coursework in Accounting & Computer Science, at Los Angeles Community Colleges,(LACC), etc, etc.
The Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela", has enriching political experience, and extraordinary accomplishments in Policy Recommendations to the White House, United Nations and to governments in his Native Country of Ghana, etc, etc.
In 1993 and 1997, he became the first Ghanaian-American to run for Mayor of Los Angeles -- (as reported by Channel 11 Television News, in Los< Angeles) --- or the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the History of United states of America, (since America gained its Independence from Great Britain, in 1776) --- in 1997, participated in Los Angeles Mayoral Campaign Forum at a Synagogue in Encino, California, which was attended by Richard Riordan --- (who later, became Mayor of Los Angeles), Tom Hayden --- (a Politician, Writer and Actress Jane Fonda's Ex-Husband), Michael Katz, (a former
California Representative), Stan Sanders, Attorney, and Nate Holden,
(a former Los Angeles City Councilman), etc, --- volunteered for
President Barack Obama’s 2008 Presidential Campaign in Los
Angeles, and became a Precinct Captain in Long Beach. Also, became
a member of Obama for America’s National Call Team, and made calls
to Voters, urging them to vote for Senator Barack Obama; --- created
events on WWW.My.BarackObama.Com, and contributed to Grassroots
Movement supporting Obama for America's Presidential Campaign. ---
created event (“Camp Obama”), and received confirmation from
“My.BarackObama.Com”, on Saturday, February 16, 2008, at 2:47 PM,
and also, --- created (“Camp Obama After School Educational
Programs”), and received confirmation from “My.BarackObama.Com”, on
Friday, February 15, 2008, at 11:37 PM.
The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, who is the first
indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America ---
since United States gained its independence from Great Britain in 1776 -- is on
record for sending Electronic Mails in 2003, to the News Media, and
to the White House, and fax to the State Department, regarding his
Non-Profit "Sister Schools Projects", and "Sister Cities Projects",
which among other objectives called for promoting the noble ideals
and ideas of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty around the World,
or "American Style Democratic Revolution Around the World". ---
(Thereafter, former Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, publicly
announced President George Bush's White House Policy of
“American-led Democratic Revolution Around the
Regarding World Politics, the Scholarly Politician sent Policy
Recommendations to the White House on, or before (January 29, 2011),
urging Egypt’s Military intervention to oust former Dictator, Hosni
Mubarak, (in order to save lives !!!) --- Long before Egypt’s Nobel Laurete,
ElBaradei, made a public appeal to the Military to intervene, as
reported on (February 02, 2011).
Also, the Politician is on record for voluntarily, advising President Barack Obama's
White House, via, Press Releases, Fax to the Office of Secretary of State, Hillary
Clinton, and Electronic Mails, sent on (February 23, 2011), to the White House,
Secretary of State, Los Angeles Times, and other News Media, etc, etc, calling for
("Moral Basis") for Military intervention to oust Muammar Kaddafi, (in order to save
lives) --- Thereafter, White House justified “Moral Basis” for Military intervention
in Libya, to prevent Mu’ammar Gaddafi from killing his own People.
In addition, on, or before April 07, 2011, April 08, 2011, and April
09, 2011, the Politician sent Policy Recommendations to the White House, United
Nations, (Los Angeles Times, and some Ghanaian Newspapers and News Websites, calling
for the ouster of former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo, (within
“48 Hours”),(in order to save lives !!!) --- (Thereafter, within, or
around “48 Hours” later, France intervened Militarily in Ivory Coast
to end the Civil War.
"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor's Strategic Ideas, and Policy Recommendations which have
benefitted Ghana are as follows : --- "Importation of South Africa's Model of Truth
and Reconciliation Commission to Ghana" --- (A Campaign Literature, which he
personally gave to former Ghana’s President, John Agyekum Kufuor, during his 2000
Campaign visit to speak to Ghanaian Community in Los Angeles, USA) ---(Thereafter,
Kufuor's elected government set up National Reconciliation Commission in Ghana);
Erection of Statutes for the Martyred Judges, "State of the Art" Presidential Palace
for Ghana, in order to attract Tourism like the White House --- (Reference to
Ghanaweb's story : "Rename Castle Black House to attract Tourism like the White
House", "Shadow Government" for a future Continental African Union Government, to be
called ("United African States") ---[UAS], to replace the African Union (A.U). ----
(Registered letter in Ghana, to former President, John Agyekum
Kufuor, regarding the "Shadow Government" for a future United Afrcan States, on May
28, 2005, is : 00096, and registered letters to other African Presidents and Heads
of State, such as Libya, regarding the "Shadow Government" for a future United
African States, is : 00027) ---- (Thereafter, according to Media reports, former
Ghana's President, John Agyekum Kufuor flew to Libya to discuss with former Libya's
Dictator, Mu'ammar Kadafi, about replacing African Union (AU) with United African
States and a "Shadow Government". Kadafi provided financing to Ghana's former
President John Agyekum Kufuor's Continental African Union Conference in Accra,
Ghana, that was attended by many Presidents or Head of States in Africa, to discuss
about replacing African Union, with a future "United States of Africa", and a
"Shadow Government" was launched; Letter to former Ghana’s President, John Agyekum
Kufuor --- (with copies to the Protocol office; the Office of the
President, and the Office of the former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Peter Ala
Adjetey) ---- calling for Ghanaians Abroad to be allowed to register to vote
wherever they live, (which translated into the ROPAB Law), Speedy implementation of
the Dual Citizens Act --- (Press Release / News Bulletin, submitted to Ghana’s News
Media), “Parliamentary Seat for Ghanaians Abroad” ---- (Press Release / News
Bulletins, were submitted to Ghana’s News Media); “Statutes for the Big Six of
Ghana’s Independence, as well as such Ghanaian Political Greats as Mr. Joe Appiah”
--- (Press Release / News Bulletinswere submitted to Ghana’s News Media; “Befitting
Mauseleum for Dr. J.B. Danquah --- (for the sake of Multi Party Democracy) ---
Press Release / News Bulletin, were submitted to Ghana’s News Media;
"Immortalization of Ghanaian Heroes and Heroines" --- (Press Release / News
Bulletins were submitted to Ghana’s News Media) ---- (Thereafter, the
government of former President John Agyekum Kufuor, announced plan to honour
“Ghana’s Heroes and Heroines”); "Museum of Legends", or "Avenue of the Stars" to
display Statutes / Busts and Personal items of Ghanaian Sports’Legends, especially,
Soccer or Football Players, Honoring of Ghanaian Stars, such as Celebrated
Musicians, with Hollywood's version of "Avenue of the Stars" --- Press Release/
News Bulletins were submitted to Ghana’s News Media; Strategic idea, or call for
"Museum of Tolerance", (Statutes for former Head of State, Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa
Afrifa, Real Admiral Amedume, and other Generals, who were executed without a fair
trial, by AFRC brutal Military regime --- for the sake of maintaining Peace, and
National Reconciliation --- (Press Release / News Bulletins, were submitted to
Ghana’s News Media); Strategic idea, or call to appoint First Woman Defence
Minister, in honor of the Legendary Queen Warrior, Nana Yaa Asantewaa and
the role of entire African Women --- (Press Release / News Bulletins were submitted
to Ghana’s News Media); “Annual Yaa Asantewaa Celebrations or Festivals” --- (Press
Release / News Bulletins were submitted to Ghana’s News Media, with a copy to the
Secretariat office of the Manhyia Palace of Asante King) ---(Thereafter,
Government’s Ministry announced an Annual Yaa Asantewaa Celebration), etc, etc.

Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES