
La Kpee to set the ball rolling for Homowo UK

La Kpee UK Some members of La Kpee UK with Nii Sei in white known in private life as Mrs. Victoria Lokko chairm

Tue, 9 Aug 2016 Source: Nii Ashitey

By Nii Ashitey

La Kpee to set the ball rolling with a mammoth Homowo

The Homowo season is with us again and as tradition demands the first ritual called gbemlilaa (locking the way) has been performed which bans drumming and music to enable people symbolically concentrate on their farms. As it is, traditional leaders back home are making fervent preparations to usher in the festival with its attendant rituals.

It starts with Nungua and then Ga mashie ending with La and Teshie. As custom demands Gamei in the Diaspora are waiting for the end of the rituals and the setting of dates for the various Ga states to enable them to plan theirs too. You can feel the excitement in the air even before the festival kicks off and so are the Diasporas. The Significance as with any other culture, holidays and festivals have a big impact on Ga culture. It is these celebrations that showcase the spirit within our culture and what gives it its flare.

The many years of sojourn in foreign lands have not dampened our appetites for a festival which has been part of us from birth. Even though some left home decades ago, the season is a special one since most people look forward to it. As for example, the Festival rituals which are held as an initiation of the new harvesting season every year, is important to the Ga people because the event also marks the end of an annual work cycle and the beginning of a new year Afi.

This ceremony has been celebrated for centuries and remains an important day in the lives of the Ga people the crop that they deem the most essential is of course, maize. Corn is the most common food found in most Ga lands and they are usually the first ones to be harvested, custom demands the festive food Kpokpoi is eaten only during the festive season and to wait for a year before eating this delicious meal must look like an eternity. More so, it is a time to request for peace, prosperity, long life, protection from all ills among other things.

Preparations for this festival is afoot not only in Ghana or Ga land but in most of the European countries as well as America but most especially Uk where many look forward not only for the festive food but also friends who had lost touch with each other and who converge for the occasion because it brings the community together as such unions and reminisces of home and welfare are discussed. When one meets with compatriots the discourse is always lively. Our brothers and sisters from the other ethnic groups in Ghana are always around to give us support and the friendship exhibited by Ghanaian on the occasion is something to behold.

La kpee UK is taking this festival a notch higher this season because of their silver jubilee celebrations. Twenty five years ago the brothers and sisters of La came together to form this association. Initially named Lamansaa mor kpee, which later became La kpee for short as a consensus name. Last year this columnist called on the various Ga groupings in the UK to support each other if the unity the Gas craves for should be realized.

The Ga Damgbe association I understand is trying to pick itself up, we also hope our flagship Ga Damgbe Nikasemo Asafo are also girding themselves up for the festival. This Jubilee celebration of Lakpee must be a litmus test to the Ga Damge associations as to how they support each other when it comes to big occasions like this. Over the years, this event has proven to bring communities together and demonstrate an important Ga traditional period in the Ga calendar year. This year the organisation hopes to do the same. It is quite amazing how today; Ga people in foreign lands celebrate the Homowo festival with equal amount of curiosity and zeal to re-engage their life.

The chairman of the Organizing committee Nii Sei Known in private life as Mrs. Victoria Lokko said she would soon be announcing the details of programme for the Homowo anniversary. Meanwhile the entourage from La led by Nii La, the paramount chief of the La traditional area Nii Dr Kpobi Tettey Tsuru 11 La Mantse and the Shikitele Nii Adzei Koofe IV, the King maker of the La traditional kingdom and Dr.Nii Kotei Dzani - Group CEO Ideal Finance Holdings Ghana as well as several important dignities will be in attendance.

Wuor Gbee La gbee. All are invited

Date: Sat.24th September 2016

Time : 6pm to !am

Venue: Selby Hall, Selby Road, Tottenham N17

Source: Nii Ashitey