
Largest Ghanaian convention in North America cancelled this year

Ewe Associations The convention serves as a platform where Ewes in North America celebrate their culture

Fri, 24 Apr 2020 Source:

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to shut down the world, the latest victim of the morbid disease is the mega annual convention of the Council of Ewe Associations of North America, CEANA! The event was scheduled to take place in Atlanta, Georgia, later this year.

The decision was taken by delegates representing all member associations, called COR, at a meeting recently.

CEANA is a non-profit organization that provides advocacy and leadership towards the socioeconomic and cultural development of Eweland.

The organization also facilitates collaboration and networking among Ewes in North America (USA &Canada). They also assist deprived communities through the facilitation of projects that target poverty alleviation, e.g. schools, health facilities, and potable water facilities; and many others.

The convention serves as a platform, where Ewes in North America merge to celebrate their culture and raise funds in support of projects in Ghana, Togo and Benin.

Recent conventions bring together, close to a thousand attendees, making it, the largest convention of any Ghanaian Association in North America.

The full press release is reproduced below:

The coronavirus situation is continuing to develop, as such, the health and well-being of you and everyone associated with the Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA) and its activities is our topmost priority. The Executive Council and the Council of Representative (COR) are highly engaged and monitoring developments.

Over the last couple of weeks, it became very clear that the lasting effect of the COVID-19 on the members of CEANA and its sympathizers are beyond comprehension. Below are some of the takeaways gathered from the broader members:

• Most CEANA members and sympathizers work in industries that are heavily impacted e.g. services, consulting, manufacturing, healthcare, and small business such as cosmetologists, mechanics, carpentry, and plumbing, among others.

• CEANA’s source of funding for its projects and convention is through donation and convention-related fees. Since most of our members and sympathizers are out of work due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the majority of them are facing challenges:

* In taking care of their basic needs and bills.

* Difficulty in having enough left to pay for the convention fee and hotel reservations and also to donate to CEANA.

• Currently, there is no firm date as to when the current ‘Stay at home’ order will be totally lifted across states and countries.

• Currently, there is no cure for the COVID-19 disease. As such, the aftereffect of COVID-19 will not encourage members to travel to Atlanta either by air or bus for fear of contracting COVID-19.

• Due to “stay at home” orders across every country, groups that will be performing during the convention are not able to meet to practice their arts.

As you all know, CEANA cares and is committed to the well-being of you and your family. As such, the local CEANA organizing committee in Atlanta in conjunction with the CEANA Secretariat and COR have unanimously approved that all CEANA conventions starting with 2020 be moved forward a year. As such Atlanta, GA will now host the 2021 CEANA convention.

All arrangements and preparations towards 2020, will be rolled into 2021 convention where feasible. Further details will be communicated. If you have any questions please contact

We encourage all friends and families to follow the recommendations outlined by your local governing authorities to help prevent the infection and spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The Executive Council and COR will continue to provide frequent updates to you all in regard to the 2021 CEANA Convention in Atlanta, GA, and all CEANA activities and beyond. CEANA owes its existence and successful thriving to the good health, success, and well-being of its members, donors, and sympathizers. If you all are healthy and successful then CEANA also flourishes. At this point, we urge you all to stay safe and continue the good work.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this situation. Together, we would continue to cater to our people and communities’ home and abroad.

Issued by

The Secretariat CEANA
