
Martyrs Day Should be Public Holiday - Kwame Mayor

Mon, 1 Jul 2013 Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (UHURU TIMES)

Ghana should make Martyrs Day for Assassinated Judges, a (National Public Day for Mourning, and National Reconciliation), every year on June 30th, say's Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" --- "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who, unlike the Legendary Nelson Mandela who spent almost 29 years in Prison for fighting Apartheid, has spent almost 29 years as a "Prisoner of Conscience" in Freedom --- (outside Jail).

(Yet, in Freedom, the Civil Rights, and Human Rights Legend in his own right, and Ex-Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama's Campaign, has been denied some Basic Rights, such as Equal Right to (even Volunteer for the Peace Corps to enable him to reduce the obstacles of his Student Loans), and subjected to other serious violations of his Civil Rights, and Constitutional Rights, which was brought to the attention of former President George Bush, and thereafter, instead of President Bush helping him, or addressing the issue, the Pro-American Democracy Activist, (whose Strategic Ideas have successfully been implemented by the White House, and by Governments in his Native country of Ghana), was strangely, subjected to brutal, wicked, malicious, and (Un-American) Covert, and Overt Persecutions, Psychological Torture, and Deprivations, un-precedented in the History of Humanity at the turn of the New Millennium).

"I presented Empirical Evidence to President George Bush about my plight, via Registered Letter, either in 2004, or in 2005", said the Scholary Politician, who is considered by American Public Officials as "more educated than 70 % of America's Population", yet, has never had opportunity to utilize his Educational Qualifications, Extraordinary Talents, and Creativity, as well as his Functional, and Technical skills for a position he deserves.

"After alerting President George Bush's White House about direct, or indirect apology offered by U.S. Embassy in Ghana related to me, when one of its Employees at the Consulate made false, wicked, racist, and barbaric allegations against me that "Kwame Mayor almost caused Havoc in America", and a copy of the U.S. Consulate's Letter was copied to Ghana's Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Information, which offered proof that some U.S. Agents colluded with the Government of Ghana to put me in harm's way ---- and also, after alerting President Bush's White House about how a suspected CIA Agent terrorized me after trying to help United States, when I sent Electronic Mails, Faxes, and Published News Bulletins to the State Department, and the White House, calling for ('American-led Democratic Revolution Around the World"), and thereafter, former Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, announced Bush's Foreign Policy of ("American-led Democratic Revolution Around the World") ---- it should be noted that thereafter, former President George Bush allegedly made an unsubstantiated Public remark about "those putting United States in False Light".

"I have been helping the White House with Policy Recommendations, which have successfully been implemented. Is that putting United States in False Light ?", asked "America's Mandela", who has publicly advised the White House not to allow a (few) ignorant, and Anti-America Agents who operate with the same evil mentality like the Al-Quedas, and who don't understand, or believe in the Noble ideas, and ideas of Democracy, Freedom, and Liberty, to terrorize their fellow Human Beings, and when an innocent Victim like him spoke out, and sought help from the White House, former President George Bush Junior, (not) the Senior, unfortunately, labelled it, "putting America in False Light".

Turning to Martyrs Day, the Civil Rights, and Human Rights Legend in his own right, said :

"Ghanaians living abroad did not forget about this year's anniversary of the brutal, and savagery murders of Justices Fred Poku Sarkodee, Cecilia Koranteng-Addow, Kwadwo Adyei Agyepong, and retired Army Officer, Major Sam Acquah, committed by Rawlings' PNDC Military regime" --- reminding Ghanaians, and the International Community that his Strategic idea to erect Statutes in honor of the Martyred Judges, which was published by Ghanaweb.Com, actually, inspired former President John Agyekum Kufuor's Government to erect the Statutes at the Supreme Court honoring the Judges.

The Abroad's leader publicly appealed to all Ghanaian Pastors, Imams, Traditional Priests, and Rabbis, etc, etc, inside, and outside Ghana, and all leaders of Ghanaian Associations inside, and outside Ghana, to participate in the (Annual Martyrs Day for Ghana's Assassinated Judges), to be held June 30th of every year).

"Major Sam Acquah too deserves a Statute, outside a Military base in Ghana, as a Martyr", said Kwame Mayor.

Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (UHURU TIMES)