
May 16th was Census Day in Canada.

Mon, 29 May 2006 Source: --

As you are aware, May 16th was Census Day in Canada.

I am writing to you to ask you to remind your visitors , although census day has come and gone, IT'S NOT TOO LATE to send in their census forms if they have not already done so. Statistics Canada will be taking late census forms without any penalty for the next little while. We want to ensure that everyone everywhere is included. If residents have not received a census questionnaire, or if they have misplaced theirs, they may call the Census Help Line at: 1 877-594-2006 or for more information visit us online at .

Enumerators will be in your neighbourhood soon visiting households to follow-up on census questionnaires that have not been returned, as all households are legally obligated to complete their census questionnaire. Person(s) refusing to complete a questionnaire can be fined $500 or imprisoned for three months, or both. In order to be as accurate as possible, Statistics Canada makes every effort to ensure that everyone fills out their form.

The census provides the only detailed source of community-level information for economic, social and demographic conditions and trends occurring in Canada. Data are used to plan important services like public transportation, health care, education and fire and police protection- all a part of our daily lives.

Preliminary population figures from the 2006 Census will be released in February 2007.

If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at: 416-952-3105 or by email at



Public Communications Officer


Statistics Canada, Central Region

P.O. Box 2006 STN "Q"

Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M0

Tel: 416-952-3105 Fax: (416) 952-3121 Email: Web Site:

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