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Medway Ghanaian association celebrates black history month

MGA 10.15 Medway Ghanaian Association (

Wed, 28 Oct 2015 Source: Kwashie Amartei Anang

On the 24th of October, the Medway Ghanaian Association (MGA) an ethnic minority association of Ghanaians and friends Ghanan living in Medway, Kent in UK organised an educative and entertaining event to celebrate this year’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH.

The event was attended by Dr B. Vasudaven (DL), representing the Lord Lieutenant, Councillors; Andy Stamp, Adam Price, Pat Cooper, Dan McDonald and Ray Freshwater, Mr. James Barnor a renowned Ghanaian photographer who recently launch his book in France. The event got off with an open prayer by Dr. Peter Bernasko, followed by the singing of the Ghanaian and the British national anthems. The chairperson for the day Marva Wilson-Harrison was then introduced by Christine Benjamin. In a welcome address by the chairman of MGA, Dr. Kwashie Anang, encourage individuals in Medway to take part in community activities and also asked Ghanaians in the UK to actively participate in events and activities marking Black History Month (BHM), as the idea of celebrating BHM in the UK was initiated by a Ghanaian. He also stated that BHM is a month to recognise the significant role Africa and blacks have played in the world’s civilisation since the beginning of time, which has been omitted or distorted in most history.The welcome address was followed by poem recitals by kids of MGA, it was then time to show the uplifting documentary “Ghanaian Migration: UK perspective”, which was produce by Devina Aggrey of Africa Probe. The Ahmadyyia Muslim association were not left out as the also delivered a speech on some activities they have been carrying out in Ghana. Their speech was followed by storytelling (by the fire side), which was enacted by Shirley Benjamin. The Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Kent in his speech was full of praise of Ghana as he said he was trained by renowned Ghanaian physician in Kenya. The chairperson of the Medway Africa Caribbean Association in her speech asked MGA to organise such event often and not wait until BHM, she suggested that organising such events monthly will unite us and build the confidence of our youth. Finally Mr James Barnor said he was really disappointed with the turnout as most of the attendees were English, he asked Ghanaians to show much interest in such events. Mr Peterkin Ofori gave vote of thanks and the event was brought to a close. There poster showing some of the most famous black inventors in the world. The MC and DJ for the day were Myles Prempeh and David Larkai.

Picture showing; Dr. B. Vasudaven (Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Kent), Mr James Barnor (his launched book) and some members of the general public.

Source: Kwashie Amartei Anang