
Members Of North America Mission Of The Methodist Church

Sat, 3 Oct 2009 Source: --

.... Ghana Welcome New Presiding Bishop With A Prayer

October 1st 2009 marked a new era for members of The Methodist Church Ghana; it marks the beginning of the ‘reign’ of Most Rev. Professor Emmanuel K. Asante. The former Bishop of Kumasi takes over from Most Rev. Robert Aboagye Mensah. A very solemn but simple ceremony at the Ashbury-Dunwell Chapel situated at the Methodist Headquarters also known as Wesley House sets the tone for the changing of batons followed by an Induction Service held at Wesley Cathedral, Asafoatse Nettey Road in Accra.

As is expected prayers and messages of goodwill have and will be received from Ghana Methodists worldwide and members of the North America Mission of the Church will not be left out. Very Rev. Dr. John Bonful chairs the North America Mission made up of Societies of the Church operating in North America and Opanin Kwadwo Fosu is the Lay Chairman.

In a Congratulatory Message the Mission prayed for a spirit filled era, which would see the Church proceed in faith and evangelism. The message added the North America Mission received the news of your Induction into office as the 3rd Presiding Bishop and the 11th to ascend Wesley’s Chair in Ghana with gratitude to God. Continuing the message stated “It is our fervent prayer that the good Lord will continue to fill you at all times with the Holy Spirit to give you knowledge and reveal His will for His Church. May He grant you wisdom, courage and spiritual understanding for His Church to continue to be a spirit-filled body under your leadership to His glory.

For the members of the North America Mission one thing they would be praying ceaselessly for is that in the term of office of the new Presiding Bishop the Mission would mature into a Diocese, grow from strength to strength spreading scriptural holiness in North America. We congratulate you on your ascension to the Wesley Chair and Presiding Bishop of Conference with a prayer for a successful tenure of office, the message added.

Most Rev. Professor Emmanuel Asante comes to head The Methodist Church Ghana with great knowledge and experience. Born on 12th April 1950, he attended the Christian Service College in Kumasi, the London Bible College and the University of Ottawa and St. Paul University where he obtained a Bachelor Degree [Theology], a Master of Arts Degree [Theology] and a Doctor of Philosophy from 1981 to 1986.

Most Rev. Professor Asante was ordained in 1986. Before then however he had laboured for years in the Lord’s Vineyard. As a young man he was the President of Bantama Methodist Youth Fellowship and Circuit Youth Secretary from 1973 to 1975. He was a Class Leader of Bantama Society from 1971 to 1977 and an Evangelist around the same time. Once ordained Most Rev Professor Asante served as Circuit Minister of Ayiga and Wesley Methodist Societies in Kumasi from 1986 to 1987 and 1987 to 1988 respectively. He was Assistant Synod and Synod Secretary around the same period and also served as Director Theological Education by Extension [TEE] from 1994 to 2006.

Most Rev. Professor Emmanuel Asante served as the Methodist Chaplin of the Accra Ridge Church from 1994 to 1998 and was Minister in charge of Trinity United Church, Legon, from 1999 to 2001. He also served as General Director Board of Ministries from 1996 to 2000 and has been Chairman of the Board’s Ordained Ministry Division since 2002. He has been Conference Member since 1987 and member of the General Purposes Council since 1994.

The Presiding Bishop has served in various outside the Church also. He has been member of Board of Directors of Busia Foundation and Co-Director of Sinapi Aba Foundation for instance. Most Rev. Professor Asante is credited with various Awards and a host of books on religion. It is no wonder that by God’s grace he was cited for distinguished standing and conferred with an honorary appointment to the Research Board of Editors and Publications Board of the American Biographical Institute.

A family man, the Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana is blessed with three young men and a Proverbs 31 wife, Osofomaame Comfort. He loves to read, hike and watch sports.

Story by Joseph & Karen Essiful –Ansah

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