Association of Ghana Methodist Church Choirs, (GHAMECC)
Under the auspices of the Washington Circuit of the North America Mission Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, the Ebenezer Methodist Church of College Park, Maryland, will host the 2019 Biennial Choir Conference of the Association of Ghana Methodist Church Choirs, (GHAMECC).
This year’s conference theme is the Great Commission by the Lord Jesus Christ, suitably adapted to the mission of the music ministry of the Church: “Go, make disciples of all nations: Intensifying our Teaching Ministry through music.”
The Conference opens in the evening of Friday, May 24, 2019 at the new location of the Ebenezer Methodist Church at 5112 Berwyn Road, College Park, Maryland, 20740. Choirs from the Washington Circuit, the Newark Circuit, the Atlanta Circuit, and the Toronto Circuit will be participating. About 300 delegates from these Circuits will be in attendance at this very elegant Choralfest.
The Lay President of the Methodist Church Ghana, Bro. Bernard Clement Botwe, will be the keynote speaker, while the Connexional Chairman of GHAMECC, Bro. Emmanuel Kojo Buadu, will be the Guest of Honor. The Very Rev. Moses Antwi, Circuit Superintendent of the host Church and Circuit, will be supported by the Very Rev. Kofi Bart-Matin.
The ever-popular evening Music Extravaganza and singing competition, which usually attracts audiences from many local churches and Christian organizations, as well as members of the general public, will be held at the Hanover Middle School, 7601 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, MD 20770. As usual, this “night to remember” will feature songs, compositions and music arrangements by many Ghanaian Church musicians, and some of the top musicians and doyens of the GHAMECC. That event will, once again, shake the ground with the latest songs. The event will start at 7.00 p.m. and last till all are thoroughly saturated and shout for more.
The Conference closing ceremony on Sunday, May 26, 2019, will be combined with a divine service at the Ebenezer Methodist Church’s location at 5112 Berwyn Road, College Park, MD from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
The various Reverend Ministers and Circuit Superintendents who will be present include:
Very Rev. Dr. Kwesi Kwakye-Nuako, Very Rev. Casely B. Essamuah, Very Rev. Joseph Owusu-Attuheneh, Rev. Ernest Aryeetey, Rev. Eric Kwabla Apochie and Rev. Ebo Quainoo will be in attendance.
Members of the Christian community, the general public, as well as, audiences seeking spiritual elation in soothing Christian songs and music, are cordially invited.