
Moslem kids excel in performance at Zumuta End of Year Party in Toronto

President Of The Yemen Canadian Association President of the Yemen Canadian Association praising the kids for their performance

Sat, 5 Jan 2019 Source: Joseph Kingsley Eyiah

If December 25 night had any ‘beautiful gift’ for the members of the Zumuta African Moslem Association of Canada in Toronto, it was the wonderful performance of their ‘well trained & disciplined’ kids at their End of Year Party in Toronto this year.

Around 8 pm on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 in the Mosque at Highway 400 & Beverly Hills (Jane Street) members of the Zumuta group comprising mainly moslems from Ghana and a few from Niger, Mali and Nigeria and their friends gathered to give thanks to Allah for seeing them through the year 2018.

Unlike the normal Christmas parties organized by many associations I know, the Zumuta party was fully and well attended by their children as well! No wonder, as soon as the program began after the serving of the ‘communal’ food the children were given the highlight of the night. 10-year-old Habibi took the night by storm by confidently reciting 20 verses of the Holy Koran before the opening prayers.

Representatives of kids who attend the Zumuta Koranic school in Toronto on weekends were given the floor to display their knowledge and skills in Islamic education to the admiration of all gathered.

It was followed with the rendition of thought-provoking poems by three youth of the Koranic school. They emphasized their Africanness and disabused people minds of the conception that Islam is equal to terrorism.

Special certificates of appreciation were presented to all the young people who performed during the night.

When guest speakers and invited officials from the Toronto Ghanaian Community took to the podium later that night they couldn’t help but praised the performance of kids! They all urge Zumuta to hold fast to human values they are inculcating in their young ones. The speakers included Hon. Thomas Seshie, the Ghana Consul General in Toronto; Mr. Emmanuel Duodu, the President of Ghanaian Canadian Association of Ontario (GCAO); and the President of the Yemen Canadian Association.

The main guest speaker for the function who had traveled all the way from New Mexico to Toronto, Shiek Muriden Alhassan was also full of praises for the kids performance that night and stressed the importance of teaching Moslem kids the human values enshrined in the Holy Koran.

Side attraction of the night was a special award presentation to Hon. John Bosco, the Deputy Consul General in Toronto who is on duty transfer to Ghana at the end of the year.

Source: Joseph Kingsley Eyiah