
Murdred Ghanaian Journalist To Be Honoured In Sweden

Sam Enin

Mon, 12 Nov 2007 Source: PROFOCA

140 Journalists who have died in the line of duty this year will be honoured in Stockholm, Sweden, by PROFOCA (Professional Foreign Correspondents Association) during the 2007 Journalists Stockholm Memorial to be conducted on November 15 at the Catholic Cathedral.

During the ceremony, late Samuel Kwabena Enin who was murdered in Kumasi, will be remembered when the Ghana?s ambassador to Sweden together with one journalist member of PROFOCA kindle a candle and deposit it on the altar during the ecumenical ceremony established in year 2003 in Sweden to show respect to our colleagues who offered their lives in this terrorized and unstable world.

In 2005, His Sanctity Pope Benedictus XVI, sent his blessings to the Journalists Stockholm Memorial as well as all participants.
