
NABA Chairman Welcome address at the 2nd Annual Convention in NY

Thu, 21 Aug 2008 Source: NABA


SALUTATION: Honorable Invited guest, Nananom, Members of the Clergy and our Churches that are represented here.

It is with much joy and a great feeling of privilege that I welcome you to the opening of the 2ND Convention of the North American Baptist Association of the Ghana Baptist Convention on behalf of the Executive Committee and all the churches of the Association.

Distinguished invited guests, allow me to use this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and thanks to you for accepting our invitation to be with us in spite of your numerous pressing responsibilities.

It our prayer that the Good Lord himself will make up for any loss on your part for this show of solidarity in the interest of the Lord's work.

You are welcome to New York City, the Empire State of America, and the financial capital of the world – if there is anything you don't get from here it means it does not exist. This is the city that never sleeps.

To our distinguished invited guest, and representatives of our churches, I humbly invite you all to join me in giving thanks to our Lord God Almighty by whose power and grace we've been able to gather here today.

It is our prayer that the Spirit of the Living God will fall upon us as never before so that we will leave here revived and focus to do exploits for the Lord.

May this convention enhance our performance in the ministry He has entrusted to us? My prayer for you is that the very best of the lord will be your potion as you enjoy the occasion with us. May the lord also let his face shine upon you and grant you his perfect peace for your support and solidarity to his church.

The mission of The North American Baptist Association of the Ghana Baptist Convention (NABA) is to unite Ghanaian Baptist churches here in N. America, and beyond; to provide a forum for worship, fellowship, and deliberations on the work of the Association.

The Vision of the Association is to seek to plant and grow cooperative, Christ – centered mission-minded churches in North America and beyond.

The theme for our Convention is "BUILDING TOGETHER IN UNITY" In Amos 3:3, "Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so"? We need a united front both in the Executive committee and in our local churches to fulfill our God giving vision and dream. Beloved, we lived in a time of hopelessness. Every day comes with it challenges. Natural disasters happening all around us almost every blessed day, Earthquakes, Tornadoes , Hurricanes, HIV/AIDS pandemic, the threat of war. The war in Iraq Afghanistan, Darffur and Somalia and other parts of the world continue to bring death to hundreds of people. The political instability and corruption of many governments brings hopelessness. The recent unrest in Zimbabwe and other parts of our motherland is a wake up call for unity. In spite of all this things there is still hope for our future and this hope does not disappoint us. (Jeremiah.31:17; Romans 5:5)

CHALLENGES THAT CONFRONT US AS AN ASSOCIATION: Getting our own Place of Worship Raising Leaders (Pastor's and musicians) Plant at least one church in every State Strengthening the existing churches Help build a strong bond of relationship between the local Baptist associations. Maintaining cohesiveness among our churches Financial help

Encourage our churches to a least exchange their pulpit once a year for fellowship and revival.

Encourage our members to attend the annual convention Exchange church calendar of activities – help us know what is happening in each church and draw our program accordingly Establish auxiliary groups in the association – Women Missionary Union, Men's Fellowship, Youth Fellowship, and Ministers' fellowship. Encourage our churches to pay the decided percentages to the Association and the Convention. Encourage bi-annual Associational Auxiliaries' meetings Let us do our possible best to maintain the bond of unity, for in unity and oneness lies our strength. Together we all can make a difference.

NATIONAL AFFAIRS: Scriptures says that when the righteous reigns there is peace but when the wicked reigns there is anarchy. As Christians and also as the salt and the light of the earth, it is our Christian duty to educate and inform our members the importance of the forth coming political election both in America and our motherland Ghana. We need to educate our people to elect God fearing people. Election time is about people expressing their choice as to who should rule them. That is why those of us who are registered voter must allow the Spirit of the Lord to lead them in their voting. Our nation needs peace and stability to succeed. Let us always remember to pray for the peace of America and our dear nation Ghana for in its peace and stability we will also have peace. Let me say here that gone are the days when church members felt that politic was not for them. Beloved we as Christian must be in the fore front so that our impact as salt and the light of the society will be felt in the political front. Let us arise and shine and unite our heart in Christ and build a strong nation both in America here and in Ghana. If the Lord is leading any of you into politics as a Christian go for it and make sure you honor the Lord through it. Let us rise up and be good ambassador of the Lord in which ever area He the good Lord has called us.


Since we are a Christian organization, let me conclude by admonishing our members to demonstrate Jesus Christ where ever they are by their lifestyle. Our lifestyle must have positive impact on the society.

They must be law abiding, pay their taxes refrain from any form of social vices and immoral practices which will tarnish the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Like Daniel and his brothers, we must resolve not to defile ourselves with the Kings royal food and wine. We must dare to be different for Christ sake.

As an association, our aim is to unite our resources and build the kingdom of God, knowing that one can put thousand to fight and two ten thousand.

My prayer is that we should not allow any thing to divide our front; for together we stand divided we fall.

Beloved we are not in competition with one another but we are here to complement the good work of each other and to promote the kingdom of God.

I am looking forward for many years of cooperative ministry among us as Baptist family.

I would also like to thank all the Association Executive members for their dedication and hard work through out the year especially the Vice Chairman Rev. Dr. Robert Owusu in spite of his pressing responsibilities he is able to make time for the work of the ministry.

In conclusion I would like to leave you with these words of from Apostle Paul in Romans 15:5-6 "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Jesus Christ, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ".

Beloved none of us can do this work alone. I need you, you need me, and we need each other to survive, hence this association. There is the need for net working.

Honorable invited guest, Nananom, members of the Clergy, and Churches that are represented here, once again you are most welcome to our 2ND Convention. May the Lord himself help us with a successful Session. Thank you, "AKWAABA".

Source: NABA