
NCCE enters Bomingo Island with coronavirus message

1.18619846 NCCE officials educates Bomingo Island on coronavirus

Mon, 27 Jul 2020 Source: GNA

The National Commission for Civic Education has entered Bomingo Island which forms part of the seven Island communities on the Volta Lake in the Anloga District of the Volta Region with the COVID-19 preventive message.

The other Island Communities are: Wenyagor, Fuveme, Genui, Lawoshinu, Agorvinu and Hatorgodo, which are separated by a distance of one or two kilometres.

Mr Kenneth Kponor, NCCE Volta Regional Director who led a team of COVID-19 Civic Educators to descend into the Island, called on Ghanaians to consider the observance of the World Health Organisation and Ghana Health Service safety protocol as a civic responsibility.

He said in spite of the relaxation of the restrictions by government, COVID-19 was still prevalent and “we must collectively work towards reducing the spread through proactive adherence of the safety protocols which will led to positive impact on the fight against the pandemic in the country”.

Speaking at splinter community durbars at Bomingo Island to sensitize the people on COVID-19 pandemic, Mr Kponor exalted the people to take the observance of the safety protocols with religious zeal in order to protect themselves, their families and communities from the dangers of the virus.

“Be mindful of the devastating effects of coronavirus on every facet of national life and religiously observe laid down protocol in order to curb the spread of the disease,” he added.

He reiterated regular hand washing with soap under running water, wearing of face masks, and social distancing as important steps towards the eradication of COVID-19 in our homes, families, communities and country.

“Let us take the observance of the protocol as a special projects and meticulously respect the safety protocol by WHO and the government in order to halt the rapid spread of the disease,” he said.

Mr Kponor appealed to Ghanaians to take good care of the environment as part of their civic responsibilities and called for attitudinal change, “as COVID-19 takes advantage of unhealthy practices to spread, so the need to observe the coughing and sneezing etiquettes”.

He lamented bitterly about the way people were crowding during funerals and at other public places without observing the necessary protocol.

Mr Oral Robert Amenyo, NCCE Deputy Volta Regional Director, called on the people not to stigmatize people suffering from or those who have recovered from COVID-19.

He said stigmatization divide families/communities and send people into their early grave by committing suicide.

Mr Godwin Agbenyo, the Anloga District Director of NCCE, appealed to the people to plant trees in order to protect the environment; “Let us desist from cutting down trees, indiscriminate sand winning as those activities destroy the environment”.

He also appealed to the fishermen to avoid illegal methods of fishing like the use of harmful chemicals in the water bodies, unapproved net and advised them to take very good care of the environment especially during this COVID-19 era.

Source: GNA
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