
NDC Continues To Consolidate Its Hold in Germany

Sat, 16 Sep 2006 Source: NDC German Branch

The NDC continues to consolidate its hold as one of the foremost active African Parties in Germany with its continuing engagement with the coalition ruling SPD (Social Democratic Party) on issues relevant to African politics and Ghana for that matter. The NDC has thus become one of the main African Parties to whom SPD Policy-Makers continues to consult for opinions on issue of relevant to Africa. Further to this the SPD continues to participate in Workshops and other seminars hosted by the NDC and vice-versa invites the NDC to participate in its programmes.

Across Germany more groups are springing up with the wish to have established registered Branches but the Executives have decided to continue with the existing 4 Branches across the Country until other Centers develop the capacities to become full Branch members.

At a well attended Meeting hosted by the Northern Branch and held at Alterteich Weg in Hamburg on Saturday 02/09/06 the Party deliberated on a number of issues top on the Agenda was the development of strategies towards the Diasporean Elections should it ever be implemented and support towards the 2008 elections. This saw the Launch of the Diasporean Committee 2008 Agenda.

The Meeting kicked off with Prayers for Ghana, the Ruling Government, His Excellency Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings that his wisdom and experience guides the ruling Government in its deliberations, NDC Executives, and all Ghanaians Home and abroad. Opening the ceremony the secretary of the Northern Branch of the Party in Hamburg Mr. Edward Danso ( alias Teddy ) appealed to all NDC member  s and supporters to register with the Party.Mr. Danso said the Party’s objectives are to identify its members and issue ID - Cards.  In a short comment Mr. Emmanuel Ashie - Moor NDC Executive Member said elephants are not domestic animals and don´t understand why NPP call themselves elephants. This comment sent the whole Audience into laughter. The elephants he said have lost its way back home to the bush and in the process are trampling and destroying everything they see and come across in Ghana in their quick but unorganized attempt to go home so come 2008 these dangerous elephants need to be captured safely and redirected back home to the bush from where the came from.

After all this was over the moderator: Mr. Yaw Beremah introduced the special guest speaker Mr. Kwasi Tamakloe to a standing ovation. Without a prepared speech he grabbed both the mike and bull by the Horn. He didn’t minced words and went straight to the point, such as the formation of the NDC - EU - Group, Diaspora Vote, the scandalous drug scandals, and the 547million dollars millennium-development- account and what it really means for Ghana.

On the formation of the NDC Group he mentioned that it was an initiative of NDC Branches across mainland Europe including Branches in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy and supporters in Norway and Denmark to coordinate NDC activities and to build a strong alliance with European Union and other Socialist institutions across Europe Talks continue with the Parliamentary Socialist Group in Brussels to develop joint activities A website is also being built to disseminate the EU Groups activities and events taking place in NDC Branches in Europe.

On the issue of the Diasporean Vote he claimed that it’s a sheer waste of resources which could be well spent on scarce resources at home needed to improve the lives of Ghanaians in Ghana.  Most Ghanaians we interviewed in Germany do not believe that their vote will change the situation in Ghana. They believe that the money that will be used for the election is better spent to improve the condition of living standards in the country so that the lives of their kith and kin would be improved without a tug-of-war on their limited finances abroad.

Mr. Tamakloe also raised the issue that considering the number of Electoral Court cases still pending in Court as a result of the 2004 elections, this proves that the Electoral Commission is not yet up to grasp with Elections in Ghana and wondered what magic would be employed by the Electoral Commission and Government appointed Ambassadors whose jobs will be at risk should they loose an election, to guarantee a fair and free Diasporean election. But as a point of mitigation he recommended that if the Diasporean Vote should be conducted then it should be held a month earlier, excluding anyone who has renounced his Ghanaian citizenship with the results being made Public before sent to Ghana.   On the $547 million Millennium Challenge Account which has been hailed as the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ by President Kuffuor. Mr. Tamakloe cautioned against the numerous conditions attached to it and cautioned too much against Government relying on it as a Magic Silver bullet for all our socio-economic problems at the expense of indigenous and sustainable home-grown economic Policies. He also cautioned about the reliance on handouts since in most cases these Donations although on Paper never materialize into real cash.

On the issue of the Cocaine Drug Scandal he lamented about the damage this was doing to the image of Ghana in the International Community and amongst its development Partners. He mentioned about the negative impact it has on investments and economic Policies when a government is perceived by the International Community as in Alliance with International Criminal Cartels and the reluctance of any well-intentioned individual or institution to have anything to do with the government or its Institutions. He pleads with the Government to expedite and bring to book without fear or favor the real individuals behind these Cartels operating in Ghana and to restore the International Community’s confidence in the country.

During question time, he answered many questions from the Burgers. Some demanded to know what the 2% Levy on import goods, claiming to be payment for NHIS. Mr. Tamakloe answered that, the 2% is a really an increase in VAT as a result of the government’s failed policies to develop an economy capable of generating real taxes from real economic activities. As a result it has to resort to the easy way of raising taxes from import duties.

Some Burgers wanted to know why they have to be remitting money for Hospital Bills when the NHIS (National Health Insurance Scheme) is supposed to be in place. He concluded that the fact that the NHIS is making demands on their pockets in Germany proves that the scheme as implemented by the Government is just on paper and not in practice.

Running off the congress the Managing -Director of  Supra Traveling Agency Mr. John Gakpo and the former Vice President of the NDC German Branch Mr. George Kobi appealed to all Ghanaians that partisan Politics should not divide them. He added that we should all help build our motherland The Republic of Ghana for a better Living.    Ms. Vida Addae of the Party’s Chairperson in Hamburg thanked the women for the solid support they are giving the Party. She said NDC strongholds in Ghana and abroad are supported on the backs of their active women and that it was during the NDC era that women achieved most in liberation and liberty in Ghana so women should continue to be part of NDC decision making and continues to support the Party.   

The members present also expressed Solidarity with the National Executives in its efforts to ensure a fair and peaceful Congress and promised to support the Executives in whichever way possible against sanctioning any Candidate who violates the Code of Conduct for NDC’s Presidential Electoral Contest.

In solidarity message from the National Chairman Dr. Kwabena Agyei and Mr. Baba Jamal Deputy General Secretary, both praised the effort of the NDC German Branch and its vision, which Headquarters will welcome as part of its strategies

Source: NDC German Branch