
NPP Canada chapter condemns Kejetia mob assault on woman

Assault 1 File photo

Tue, 28 Feb 2017 Source: NPP Canada

NPP-Canada is saddened by the unfortunate and barbaric assault on a woman by an unruly male mob at Kejetia in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The unfortunate incident was said to have taken place on February 14, 2017. The poor victim is rumoured to have stolen GHC 1,100.

What happened is a sad reflection of the level of depravity humans can sink to. If the perpetrators are not apprehended and made to face the full rigours of the law, others may be emboldened to carry out even worse atrocities elsewhere. It is such levels of depravity that all too often give rise to incidents of vicious ethnic wars and armed robberies in Ghana and terrorism elsewhere.

The dignity of womanhood is the dignity of a nation. The dignity of womanhood is the pride of a nation. It is in acknowledgement of this truism that the Kufuor Administration established the Ministry of Women and Children to put the issues of women and children front and center for quick national redress. It is this truism that caused the NDC governments that followed the Kufuor Administration to enhance the activities of the Ministry of Women and Children. Again, it is for this truism that the Akufo-Addo administration has promised an affirmative action that will seek to have at least 30% of public service positions going to women.

NPP-Canada joins with other well-meaning voices to urge the Ghana Police to leave no stone unturned in apprehending the perpetrators of the above-mentioned dastardly act.

There is a silver lining in every cloud. Perhaps on the back of this unfortunate incident (and as Ghana turns 60), Ghanaians would re-dedicate themselves to the ideals of Ghana as her founders envisaged: a Ghana that exists in dignity. And there can be no dignity for Ghana if the dignity of Ghanaian womanhood is debased.

Gilbert Adu Gyimah Director of Communications, NPP/Canada NPPCanada@outlook.com www.nppcanada.org

Source: NPP Canada