
NPP- Germany Condemns Attack On Ursula Owusu

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Fri, 13 Apr 2012 Source: NPP- Germany

The Germany Branch of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) strongly condemns the unprovoked and barbaric attack on the Ms Ursula Owusu by tugs of the National Democratic Congress at the Tarzan Registration Centre on Wednesday.

Like Ghanaians the World over, NPP Germany is appalled and ashamed that such acts of violence are deliberately being encouraged and perpetrated by an elected government whose first duty is to protect and defend all Ghanaians irrespective of their political affiliation.

Indeed the attack on the person of Ursula Owusu is not an isolated incident but part of strategy by the failed and beleaguered NDC government to intimidate Ghanaians with the view to preventing them from expressing their democratic will come December 7. The disastrous Mills-Mahama administration should be reminded that Ghanaians are determined in their resolve to vote them out no matter the level of intimidation.

More worrying is the fact that the attack took place in broad day light and more importantly in the presence of the police who chose not to act for reasons best known to themselves. NPP Germany wishes to remind the Ghana Police Service that it has a constitutionally mandated duty to protect life and property of every Ghanaian. The Ghanaian Tax payer therefore has a legitimate expectation that the Police will protect him/her when attacked by tugs and criminals. The failure and refusal by the police to intervene while the attack was being perpetrated in their presence is a dangerous trend and a dereliction of duty for which the IGP Mr Paul Tawiah Quay must be held accountable.

Clearly the conduct of the IGP starting from Agbobloshie, Akwatia, Chereponi, Atiwa to the recent happenings at Odododiodio should be a matter of concern to all Ghanaians who want to see peaceful elections and a stable Ghana. The IGP it must be said ,has compromised his professional ethics for political convenience thereby making his position untenable. In view of this the best course of action is for the IGP to honourably resign.

NPP –Germany wants to remind our party leadership that the time for making complaints to the police should be over now. What we should be doing now is to find ways of defending ourselves and our people because the other party is not rational enough to play by rules.

Finally we congratulate Ursula Owusu for her bravery and her readiness to stand by the rightness of her convictions and urge all Ghanaian women to emulate her exemplary leadership.

Signed Kwaku Anane-Gyinde Director of Communications NPP-Germany

Source: NPP- Germany