
NPP Manchester, Condemns Attack on Ms Ursula Owusu and Violence

Fri, 13 Apr 2012 Source: NPP Manchester Chapter-UK

The Executive Committee members of the NPP, Manchester Chapter, on behalf of her entire membership utterly condemn the dastardly attack on the person of Ms Ursula Owusu, NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Ablekuma South Constituency and all other people who have suffered and continue to suffer similar acts of violence, intimidation and to the extent of physical attacks and even death as far as the on-going voter registration exercise is concerned.

The litany of violence, intimidation and attack is unprecedented. We strongly condemn the alleged politically motivated murder of Sheriff Mohammed, Okaikoi North constituency ward secretary of the NPP. We sympathise and console the family and the party on such unfortunate and needless death. We urge the President to take special interest to investigate if he’s indeed “….not interested in political power that is tainted with blood” as he recently said in Senegal. We find it very disheartening and intimidating the seemingly avowed agenda of the NDC to frustrate the on-going process. We cannot understand why a basic democratic right of the Ghanaian is being marred by such violence and intimidation by President Mills’ administration. It is about time the President lived by his rhetoric as a man of peace and his constitutional responsibility to maintain peace and order. The NDC is fast rolling back all the democratic gains of the country and it is about time President Mills took control or called to order. It is unfortunate the rhetoric of the President is not matched by the daily political activities of his close allies and appointees as they go about employing thugs to intimidate, beat, injure and even kill people, while they also continue to threaten and intimidate genuine and impartial public servants and police officers with dismissal, redundancy, denial of promotion and ill-motivated transfers if they do not toe their lines.

Isn’t it ironic the president insists he’s not interested in political power that is tainted with blood? Yet under his watch and seemingly tacit support his appointees are employing thugs and heavily built men intimidating people to the extent of physically preventing legitimate people from registering without him directly sanctioning them. Let the President be reminded that blood is already being spilled in the name of his unpopular comeback. We sympathise with the late Sheriff’s family, Ms Ursula Owusu and all other victims of the on-going voter registration exercise for their needless injuries. We commend their steadfastness, courage and above all their avowed commitment to democratic ideals. We believe they take relief and pride in the massive turnout of the people to register irrespective of the intimidation and violence. The defiance of the people in turning out to register massively is a clear manifestation; President Mills will be called to order come December with massive or gargantuan voter turnout against his second term as they are committed to defy the odd and his thugs. We urge all peace loving Ghanaians and the entire NPP to remain focus and steadfast in the face of the increasing intimidation and stand stubbornly ready to defy the NDC’s threats.

President Mills and the NDC should know that no amount of violence will dissuade the sovereign will of the Ghanaian come December. They should not lose sight and take for granted the abiding respect of the Ghanaian for peace and human life. They should be cautioned by the sages that if you make peaceful change impossible, you cannot make violent change inevitable. Long Live Ghana and Long Live NPP.

Thank you.

The Executive Committee, NPP Manchester Chapter-UK

Source: NPP Manchester Chapter-UK