
NPP UK Condemns Arrest, Beating And Detention Of Dabbousi

Fadi Dabbousi Dabbousi

Tue, 27 Sep 2016 Source: NPP UK

...By President Mahama

The New Patriotic Party in the United Kingdom condemns the arrest and detention of Fadi Samih Dabbousi ,an author ,journalist and peaceful family man who was arrested at the Kotoka international airport ,beaten severely and bundled into a van by armed state security personnel on the instructions of President Mahama ,whose dictatorial tendencies ,so close to a general election two months away is a matter of concern not only in Ghana but within the international community.

Mr Fadi Dabbousi was arrested for criticising and speaking out loudly on corruption ,tribalism ,nepotism ,unemployment and sheer incompetence of Mr Mahama and his ministers, whose continuous breaking of promises and opulent champagne lifestyles are in stark contrast to their social democratic credentials.

Mr Mahama has no right to be using the security agencies to be carrying out violent acts against peaceful activists who are going about their business in peace.

We are not surprised at all by this latest action. Fadi and other heroes and heroines of change and progress in Ghana are right and justified in their criticisms because Mr Mahama has no respect for the people of Ghana and continue to undermine constitutional rule and trample on freedoms.

John Mahama gives sanctuary to terrorists from Guantanamo bay and other countries to live like kings in expensive houses while hardworking teachers ,farmers ,traders market women, students and school pupils sleep on the streets with no housing and cannot even go to hospital because of cash and carry and he expects us to be silent.

He deceives Haji pilgrims and leaves them stranded at airports and hotels.

He undermines the judiciary by releasing his supporters who threatened to kill Supreme Court judges and were jailed for contempt.

He shares millions of cedis to party supporters in the streets meant to pay teachers their allowances and workers who are in salary arrears and cannot buy food, pay their rent, water and light bills.

He transforms himself from a civilian president to a military president, wearing military uniforms to put fear in the population.

John Mahama owes everybody on the planet, He owes the IMF, He owes the World Bank, He owes millions of dollars to our neighbours Nigeria and Cote Di Ivo ire, He has destroyed the lives of millions in the country especially in the rural areas through the collapse of DKM and other microfinance companies .How can we be silent on these crimes against the people?

We call on the international community to take note of President Mahama’s crimes against the people and commit to holding him to account at the international criminal court

We say to him; your campaign strategy of setting fire to electoral commission offices to create fear and panic, authorising violence against Nana Akufo-Addo and other opposition party leaders and the entire population using the security agencies and party thugs has been exposed and will fail miserably.

Your attempt to create a culture of silence, suppress criticism, threaten violence and repression on political opponents will fail.

Your desperate acts to prevent your defeat in December will collapse .You will lose this year’s elections!

No condition is permanent .Change will surely come!

Release Fadi NOW!

Nana Yaw Sarpong

Communications Officer




The Chairperson , Ecowas Secretariat, Abuja Nigeria

The Chairman , The Africa Union ,Addis Ababa

International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands

Amnesty International ,UK

Amnesty International -Ghana

Committee for the Protection of Journalists, New York,USA

The International Monetary Fund, Washington DC,USA

All media Houses in Ghana and the United Kingdom

Source: NPP UK