
NPP is Now a National Party ---- Kwame Mayor

Mon, 14 Apr 2014 Source: Uhuru Times

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (UHURU TIMES)

NPP is now a National Party, since its National Chairman, Paul Afoko, is a Northerner, First Vice Chairman, Freddy Blay, is from CPP Roots, NPP Women's Organizer is a Krobo-Northerner, and NPP Communications Director, Perry Okudzeto is an Ewe --- (unlike Rawlings faction of NDC which is still a dangerous Anti-Asante, or, Anti-Akan Political Party), says former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who has declared his intention to contest for NPP Flagbearership in 2016, on condition that Sponsors, and Donors finance his estimated $30 Million Budget for a successful Presidential Campaign --- WWW.GhanaWebsite.Org, reports.

"The newly elected NPP Executives should pledge to strongly protect Ghana, and Africa in general from Colonialists, and Neo-Colonialists barbaric, and brutal force of trying to impose the Evils of Gays, and Lesbians Homosexuality on the Black Race, or, on the Continent of Africa", said the Moralist Politician.

"NPP now needs a Pan-Africanist Leader to lead the Party to victory, and also, to unite the Country. I am Ghana's Political Saviour !!!", said the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela", who has pledged to appoint either Ms. Elizabeth Ohene, an Akan-Ewe, Perry Okudzeto, an Ewe, (or) Jake Obetsebi Lamptey, a Ga, as his Vice Presidential Candidate, to permanently unite Ghana ---- challenging NDC to also give equal opportunity to Asantes.

"Professor Oquaye was absolutely right when he said that Rawlings created un-necessary hatred against Akans"

"As a matter of fact, Rawlings, and Boakye Djan both Terrorized Asantes, and created Savage- Hatred against innocent Asantes", said the Pan-Africanist Politician, and Great Philosopher.

In Another Development, the Pro-American Democracy Activist, appealed to Ghana, and other African Countries to immediately allow Blacks in the Diaspora to run for Public Office in their Ancestral Homeland, in the same way United States of America allows Green Card Holders to run for Public Office.

"African-Americans, Caribbeans, and other Blacks in the Diaspora have the right to vote, and run for Political Office, such as City Council, Mayor, or, Governor, anywhere in Africa --- (in the same way United States of America, the Leader of the Free World, allows Green-Card Holders to run for Public Office, except the President of United States"), said the Intellectual Giant, whose Strategic Ideas, such as "American-led Democratic Revolution Around the World", Moral Basis for United States' Military intervention in Libya to overthrow Libya's "Mad Dog", Mu'ammer Gaddafi --- in order to save lives !!!; 48 Hours Ultimatum to former Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo to surrender, or, face Bombardment in his hide-out --- (in order to save lives !!!), etc, etc, were successfully implemented by the White House, and also, his Strategic Ideas of National Reconciliation Commission, Presidential Palace in Ghana "Black House" to attract Tourists like the White House, Statutes for Martyred Judges, etc, etc, were successfully implemented by Governments in his Native Country of Ghana.

"I am a Foreigner on American Soil, yet, I was able to run for Mayor of Los Angeles, and even attempted to run for Governor of California, because United States of America is the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave", said the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela".

"I will turn NPP into a Pan-Africanist Political Party for all Ghanaians, and other Africans to enjoy a Continental Africa Democracy, Human Rights, and Civil Rights Protection"

Source: Uhuru Times