
Nduom calls for support

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 Source: CPP -USA NEW YORK CHAPTER

The flag bearer of the Convention People's Party (CPP) Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom has urged Ghanaians to vote massively for him in the coming December 2008 General Elections to become the President of Ghana since I had the vision and message to salvage Ghanaians from their present economic hardship, "something wonderful is happening in Ghana. It is called CHANGE. Ghanaians all over the country are saying YERESESA MU"

"This time a vote for CPP will not be wasted; a vote for CPP will bring about the CHANGE that Ghanaians are yearning for, a vote for Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom and CPP to the Flagstar House, I am urging the people of Ghana to vote massively for CPP coming December 2008 General Elections."

He said that he was the leader who would focus on solving our problems and the one who will work with a sense of urgency to implement ideas to free our people from poverty and help become prosperous.

His speech was read on his behalf by a Comrade at the Inaugural Ceremony of the CPP-USA of the New York Chapter at Bronx Museum, a wonderful and well-attended ceremony by all sorts of people in the USA last week end.

The Presidential Candidate of the CPP said he has being praticing a positive campaign of ideas and proposing solutions to the problem we face in Ghana and I'm the one who is actively looking forward to debate with the other Ghanaians so that the people can make a choice based on the ideas and solutions we are offering.

"It is very unfortunate that some want to continue to polarize everything into those"for" and "against" them, everything that comes from them is good, everything that comes from someone is bad." the CPP flag bearer noted.

Dr Nduom said CPP wants change to this bad attitude and unite Ghanaians towards the common cause of freeing our people from poverty; the CPP will work to make sure this Nation is strong and its people are proud and prosperous.

"For this to happen, change must come through the ballot box in December 2008, since Ghanaians did it before in 2000 and they can do it again, because we hear from the field that Ghanaians are ready to vote for change in 2008 General Elections, the easily approachable Presidential Candidate for CPP stated.

He explained to the teeming supporters of CPP that Ghana has the potential to produce many other products in the industries that are basic essentials for our people, yet we opened our doors very wide to imports that suppress the potential for job creation. I will lead a Government that will strengthen Ghanaian industries for the benefit of young men and women who are looking for jobs that will pay them living wages and salaries and this will be done through low-interest government loans and guarantees, technical support to ensure ability to achieve sustained growth,tax incentives and market advantages. The CPP's flag berearer said " i have trust and confidence in the Electoral Commission,since i have contested three(3)public elections conducted by the Commission and the problems i enncountered during the elections were not caused by Commission ,but the political parties,so the Electorial Commission must take stepes to ensure that all political parties behave and that polling agents do not engage illegal activities to gain or prevent others from voting. "My message to the Ghanaians is that a CPP administration will take full responsibility to prepare a comprehensive plan to renew and spread basic social infrastucture such as ,Water,Electrict,Schools,Roads,Railroads and Housing through the country.

The Chairman of CPP-USA New York Chapter,Dr S.O Asante on his part noted that the CPP ttradition have suffered a devastating blow, when prior to the transition from the dictatorial and oppressive regime of the PNDC, now NDC to manipulate democracy.

"The CPP was intentionally splinted into many nonviable parties, NIP, PHP, PNC, GCPP, NCP, and others. These parties were so weak that they suffered a humiliating defeat at the 1992 General Elections," He said that by the 2004 General Elections, the CPP was a mere shadow of itself, but Mr. Agude became the Presidential Candidate for the CPP, and he held the skeleton of the CPP together. Our party fought bravely and lost the 2004 elections.The CPP-USA New York Chapter in this regard,expressed their profound gratitude to Mr Agude and his team. Dr Asante also used the occasion to thank the leadership and membership of the Patriot for the unique role they have played in the history of the CPP. "I am therefore urging all the members of the CPP to wholeheartedly support Dr. Nduom Spiritually, Physically, and Financially to lead our beloved party in the struggle ahead. We must help the cause by winning souls, one at a time for the party," the chairman of the CPP-USA said in his opening remarks. The General Secretary of the CPP-USA, Prof. Ama Ohene said that the CPP was the cornerstone of the liberation struggle in Africa and Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was the founder of the CPP and the shining star of Africa. "Today we still staunchly support the CPP's effort. We have rallied behind our Presidential Candidate, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom, and we are in the process of mobilizing all resources to help him and the CPP to achieve a successful Electoral Campaign in 2008," Prof. Ohene noted. Prof. Edmund Nkansah, a lecturer of Essex County Community College, New Jersey, USA said that in 1963 Dr. Nkrumah organized a conference in Addis Ababa-Ethiopia for the 32 Independent African States , result of the Conference was the formation of the Organization of African Unity. Prof. Nkansah, who is also a leading member of CPP-USA noted that within a short period after Ghana had attained its Independence, many other African Nations also got their freedom from foreign domination. Dr. Kwame Botwe-Asamoah, who gave the keynote address, said "It was due Dr. Osagyefuo Kwame Nkrumah's nationalist platform as the Secretary-General of the UGCC that brought the three provindences into their fold." The keynote speaker also said ,the CPP won the 1951 elections. A solidarity message sent from CPP's National Headquarters, Accra, Ghana by the Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Mr. Kosi Dedey and read by Ms. Afua Safo-Asante "It encourages the members here in Ghana and Abroad to be united in a cause that transcends national boundaries since the CPP remains committed to the principles of the founding fathers of the party and believed that as long as there is no collective dignity for black people in Africa, blackmen all over the world will not be respected no matter their status in life." Mr. Dedey noted that the CPP's immediate challenge is to pursue this year's elections to the best of their ability and the party's manifesto will soon be ready at the official launching of the campaign tentatively set for April 27th 2008. The Chairman of CPP's Publicity Committee stressed that, "Leadership wishes to assure all that it is willing and ready to provide all the support it required to grow the branch and make it functional and responsive to the needs of the party at home and abroad. "The leadership of the party wishes to congratulate all those whose efforts have brought this to fruition and wishes the Executives of the CPP-USA, New York Branch good luck in their endeavour to steer the affairs of the truly democratic party in Ghana. FORWARD EVER, BACKWARD NEVER."Mr Kosi noted.