
New Year Message from NPP Ireland

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Tue, 31 Dec 2013 Source: NPP Ireland

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May we courteously use this medium to wish our teeming and dedicated followers the world over, a very prosperous New Year. Needless to say, this year, and indeed, our party calender has in most part, been characterised by twists and turns. 2013 is a year that Ghana, the Black star of Africa missed the golden opportunity to take, once again, its rightful place amongst the comity of nations; and it is, arguably, a year that will go down as one of the darkest chapters in our Great Party's chequered past.

But in all these trying times, we should constantly remind ourselves that, our energies must rather be geared towards goals and actions that unite us as opposed to what defeats our vision as a big family; that we must constantly wake up to the sacred call that, we are an inseparable brotherhood, united by a common and binding aspiration: Development in Freedom. That if we always cling to the past, the present becomes difficult and the future becomes impossible. As Nelson Mandela of blessed memory taught us, since "Our human compassion bind us the one to the other; not patronizingly or pity; but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future", we must with haste, appreciate the timeless truth that, as a party, we are the masters and authors of our own destiny. Again, we must be guided by Eleanor Roosevelt's admonition that "The future belongs to only those who believe in the beauty of their dreams". That the future depends on what we do today is a fact we cannot take for granted.

Yes, as party faithfuls and as human as we are, there may be times when we either faltered, reneged on our promises or felt like throwing up our hands in despair; but in all these difficultt moments, let us firmly hold on to the belief: someday (and sooner too), we will find what we have been looking for; that we will surely find something even much greater than we had wished.

And so, our Dear Brothers and Sisters, as the the clock hands gradually tilt towards the uncertain but hopeful future, let us all zealously walk on the path of unity, selflessness and above all, tenacity of purpose. More importantly, let us adopt and equally apply Walt Disney's sage, "Tomorrow is the first blank page of 365. Write a good one".

We wish our Great Party, the National Executives, External Branches and all our members, a happy and most fruitful New Year.

The Communication Team NPP Republic of Ireland Branch

Source: NPP Ireland