On my own behalf and on behalf of our teeming supporters in North America, we extend our heartfelt Congratulations to you, Prof John Atta Mills and the entire party apparatus in Ghana. We note with extreme satisfaction that you have been able to unite the party and create a new vista in our quest to capture power from the failed Presidency of the government NDC will replace come Jan 7 2005.
The choice of running mate, done in accordance with the tenets of our NDC Constitution, led to 'the best amongst the best' of the finalists. Indeed, your selection of Hon Mohammed Mumuni, MP, as your running mate has been well-received here in the entire region of North America where your support remains strong. The various Chapter Leaders and membership of North America NDC send their warm regards to Hon Mohammed Mumuni, your Vice Presidential Candidate. Everyone here is fired up. Everyone here acknowledge your sound judgment. Everyone here believe you have the best running mate!
Under your leadership, Social Democratic Principles as outlined in "NDC SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC AGENDA" have been identified and adopted as the impetus that will propel Ghana forward, when you are elected President in December 2004. We therefore view the selection of Hon Mohammed Mumuni, your running mate, who is an expert on Social Welfare of the masses, as a great addition to our superb winning NDC team!
Furthermore, the massive rally at Cape Coast, to formally launch your campaign to success, has given true meaning to your excellent leadership. Top leaders of the NDC were all on hand to sound the clarion call to all true Ghanaians that NDC means business. All NDC members and sympathizers have been galvanized into action, putting their shoulders to the wheels, lacing their shoes and campaigning in pain and in sweat. That is what we will continue to do these 10 hectic weeks remaining to the Election. North America NDC members are coming down in large numbers to join in the campaign physically and to contribute financially as well, to make sure that no stone is left unturned.
Prof Atta Mills: Victory is yours in December 2004 and you will be sworn in President of Ghana January 7 2005!
Signed: Ebby Koney, Esq
Chairman North America NDC, New York, USA.