
Press Release By NPP Germany

Sun, 8 Dec 2013 Source: Anane-Gyinde, Kwaku

Our attention has been drawn to a publication which appeared on Ghana web (25 November) in which one Anthony Rau, a self-styled human rights activist resident in Germany made some unfounded claims about the health of Nana Akuffo-Addo, the NPP Presidential Candidate in the 2012 elections. Normally, NPP Germany does not respond to such frivolous and infantile rumour mongering coming from charlatans and rift rafts who have been paid to peddle falsehood.

NPP Germany can state emphatically that the health of Nana Akuffo-Addo is not an issue because we know that he is very healthy and fit. Indeed, he is much healthier than the so called young politicians some of whom can only boast of half-functioning kidneys.

We wish to make it clear that the purpose of this release is to set the records straight in respect of Mr Anthony Rau a self-styled human rights activist who without any shred of shame has been propagating these outright lies and malicious fabrications.

First, it should be made clear that Mr Anthony Rau whose real name is Anthony Abebresse is not an International Human Rights activist as he claims. Rather the said Anthony Rau is an imposter and a fraudster who has defrauded several unsuspecting Ghanaians under the pretext of assisting them to regularise their stay in Germany. And as we speak five of such women have decided to go public and alert the German authorities to help them retrieve the various sums of monies that he collected from them.

Our inquiries into his claim of being an International Human Rights activist reveal that those claims are false, deceptive and misleading. His name does not appear under any of the registered human rights organisations in Germany and it leaves one wondering which human rights organisation he claims to be working for or at the very least affiliated with. Against this backdrop, we wish to caution the general public particularly the Ghanaian community in Hamburg to be weary of this criminally-minded imposter in order not to fall victim to his tricks and false pretences

Since arriving in Germany in the early eighties, the said Mr Rau has never taken up any paid job but has been living on the generous German Social Welfare system claiming to be disabled. Our checks reveal that Mr Anthony Abebresse lives and shares a room with a Togolese national in a social facility (Heim) meant for husbands/wives ejected from their homes.

Furthermore, our investigations at the criminal records office (Bundescriminalamt) reveal that Mr Anthony Rau has been at logger heads with the law on several occasions. In June 1997, he was charged, tried and fined 2700 Dm or serve a one-year jail term by a court in Hamburg for falsely accusing an immigration official . Having gone through that experience, one would have thought that Mr Anthony Abebresse would have learnt that false accusations and unfounded allegations can sometimes be very costly. As most fools do, he never learnt anything but continues to engage in the same acts of foolhardiness

Interestingly, we also found out that when it comes to human rights violations, this so called human rights activist, Mr Anthony Rau is the worst offender. All his four previous marriages had to be dissolved due to the physical abuse and mental torture to which the women were subjected. Unfortunately, what the self-styled human rights activist fails to realise is that physical and mental abuse of women constitute a blatant and serious violation of their rights as human beings. Perhaps, his role as a human rights activist would make more sense if he demonstrates some respect towards the numerous children he fathered but whom he had abandoned for the state and their mothers take care of. Indeed, every child has the right to a father and a mother and Mr Anthony Rau should first demonstrate his respect for the rights of his own children by fulfilling his parental responsibilities.

NPP Germany is aware that Mr Anthony Rau has been contracted to initiate a campaign of deliberate misinformation and vilification against Nana Akuffo-Addo. We want to assure the likes of Anthony Rau and their paymasters that NPP-Germany WILL NOT allow any person or group of persons to turn our leader, mentor and role model Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo, the most civilised politician on the African continent into a punching-bag. We stand ready and willing to respond appropriately and we will do so in kind.


Kwaku Anane-Gyinde

Director of Communications


Source: Anane-Gyinde, Kwaku