
Prophet Agyeman Prempeh hits The City of Worcester, MA

Tue, 19 Aug 2008 Source: --

He came to the big apple twice and held a historical 12 hour prophetic and anointing service for over 400 people. He is heading to the city of Worcester and about to touch the city with his anointing hands.

This will be a historic program destined to bring freedom and salvation to the people of Worcester Mass. The program will be held for 8 days starting from Sunday September 7 to Sunday September 14 from 7pm each night at the White Eagle, 116 Green Street Worcester Massachusetts 01609. Prophet Prempeh is a man of fervent prayer. His moment of intercessions bring up peculiar demonstration of God's power with clear and detailed prophetic manifestations and directives.

Prophet Akwesi Agyemang Prempeh is the general overseer of Springs of Joy Ministries in London. Prophet Eric Owusu who will later come in to support, is the founder of Holy Fire Dynamic Church in New York, 1111 Tremont Street, Bronze.

Rev. Prempeh has an unyielding and inspired vision to proclaim the heart cry of God in these last days to the body of Christ and to save dying souls.The ministry of Prophet Agyemang Prempeh has brought salvation and deliverance to thousands of souls in many Nations.

To share a time of ministry with these God's generals is to share with them a Super Natural Encounter with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Come and witness the power of a true prophetic ministry. In this meetings you shall see and testify about how the Lord by his spirit will strip the enemy of our blessings and how our good Lord will clearly mention and expose hidden satanic mysteries and diabolic influences militating against our freedom.

The ministry of a true prophet is very marvelous. Demons tremble at this ministry and so is their master Satan. You cannot afford to miss a day.

The devil is in trouble.

Bring the sick and the afflicted for their lives will never be the same.

Please come on time to pray before the program starts.


Please Note As much as we love to help people, we would also love to limit one on one talk with the prophets during the course of the 8 day crusade. A counseling section may be allotted when the program is over. No recording devices will be allowed in the auditorium apart from those used by the organization.

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