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Prophet Dwomoh Sarpong doing wonders in USA

Prophet Dwomoh Sarpong Prophet Frank Dwomoh Sarpong of Restoration Chapel International

Sat, 26 Sep 2015 Source: Prince Osei Bonsu – Maryland

Testimonies abound on how God is using his servant Prophet Frank Dwomoh Sarpong of Restoration Chapel International to deliver the oppressed and transform lives at his regular church meetings.

Recently at the Delaware branch of his ministry a 21 year old young man from Cameroon by name Luther Asagaya testified how he was addicted to smoking Cigarette and Indian Hemp since he was 12 but he succumbed to the power of God under the feet of the man of God and his life has seen a major transformation.

Speaking before the congregation the young man said "I have been smoking for the past ten years, I became so addicted that it became a huge burden and I resorted to all means to stop this habit but all efforts proved futile due to peer pressure."

Asagaya also recalled how he was once beaten by five men at a night club and sustained an injury on his forehead.

Asagaya further stated that, he was invited Restoration Chapel International in Delaware by a friend to an all-night program. He stated that he was reluctant initially but his instincts told him to go and perhaps he will get his salvation.

In addition, Asagaya stated that during the service he was called out from the congregation by the Prophet and he prayed for him. He also stated that during the service he had a pocket full of Cigarette in church but I immediately got rid of the cigarette after the Holy Spirit arrested him.

More to this, Asagaya said after his encounter with God he had shunned the scent of Cigarette and Indian hemp and no longer had the desire to smoke. He also stated that he had previously been advised by his parents and some good people in the Adelphi community to quit smoking but the wise counsel had fallen on deaf ears but Jesus has delivered him.

Through his testimony Asagaya is appealing to the youth to seek a new direction in the Lord and not allow social vices, peer pressure, and social pressure, to lead them astray. He substantiated this truth by quoting scripture that admonishes us to "Remember God in thy youthful days.”

Prophet Frank Dwomoh Sarpong of Restoration Chapel International encouraged the church to lead virtuous lives worthy of emulation and tasked parents to let their lives be a positive reflection on their children to enable them focus on their education and make Godly choices.

The seasoned man of God emphasized that the uncontrolled quest for adventure is pushing the youth into ways of destruction that could ruin their future. He also stressed on the importance of working tirelessly to win souls for the Kingdom of God.

The Prophet of God advised the congregation to forget their past, plan ahead, have a vision, confront life with hope, be confident, be determined and adopt a positive life with Jesus Christ.

Restoration Chapel International is located at 9111 Hampton Overlook, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 . The General public is invited to their special program under the theme “Behold I do a New Thing “, Isaiah 43 - 19 from October 4 - 10, 2015. You can also join their prayer line # 712-432-0075 (code# 583978) from 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm, from Monday - Thursday. There is a special watch night service on Friday nights. The Church’s Sunday service begins at 10 : 00 am.

Source: Prince Osei Bonsu – Maryland