"I promise on my honour to be faithful and loyal to Ghana my motherland to uphold and defend the good name of Ghana, so help me God"
This portion of the Ghana national pledge has been quoted to attract the attention of authorities in charge and it is with regard to the deterioration of our rich ethical Ghanaian way of living in the lives of our fellow country-men living abroad, precisely Ghanaian females studying in the kingdom of Morocco.
A report from a survey concerning the situation of our treasured Ghanaian students living in the Kingdom affirms the Ghana government's effort in kicking out very disturbing preceding problems that existed.
Nevetheless,the nature of life led by our Ghanaian female students in the kingdom of Morocco calls for a special attention from authorities in charge to come to the aid of these female students, their families and Ghana as whole.
They hang around with male students from other states, get 'used' and are finally 'dumped' and left behind as they (male students from different states) leave the kingdom and move ahead with their lives.
If not they either keep their mouth shut, despite troubles they run into with their 'boy-friends' are obliged to keep changing 'boy-friends' a number of times during an academic year.
A reference to another very controversial issue including a Ghanaian diplomat in Morocco going after Ghanaian female students and even other female students from other states can be linked to this very matter.
Without doubt, with this style of living psychological effects among others can add to effortless lose of ?focus? and forgetfulness of ?academic mission?.
?Distance? & ?remoteness? that separates us from ?roots? and ?cultured environment? among other factors that contribute to this problem could eventually lead certain citizens off track thus; not been able to put up with by our pledge to our nation Ghana.
This disturbing matter needs to be curbed and I believe that this alert will get to authorities in charge to render this possible.
Jessica Brown Jbrown@swissmail.org Accra