
The CPP Scandinavia’s statement on Obama`s victory

Fri, 7 Nov 2008 Source: --

-message of change and hope won the day. The Washington post reports Nov. 06, that people around the globe think Obama`s victory connects directly to them and makes America come closer to their hearts. This is no mean statement, but a true history in the making through Obama, that exults the good in humankind and brings forth a noble quality of man to reach out and to think, act and react in the interest of the commonwealth and in fellowship with people of all walks; White, Black, Hispanic, Indian, poor, rich, child, old, sick, strong, standing and down; That the welfare of the self and ego must give way to an outreach for the common good and altruism in our time.

Obama`s message of hope resonates in societies around the world where social disparities and inequalities have dashed a peoples hope for a better tomorrow, where the HAVES in society are clamoring for more but continue to determine who gets what, how and when.

In an attempt to bail out Wall Street from the financial crises Obama was quick to point out the need to include a bail-out plan for Main Street “common man” in the street, an altruistic spirit. It is no secret that the Republican Party has always been the party for the rich and well connected who felt the status quo threatened when Obama preached equality and outreach instead of class and division. He was called Inexperienced, Reactionary, Moslem, Socialist and other names.

In Ghana the NPP with the emblem of the elephant and same ideals and mindsets as the Republicans in America; rich first and then, trickle-down-effect have invited to Ghana and hailed President Bush as a hero, and even named a street after him. This president is the most unpopular in our time and maybe in American history. He has caused many wars and sufferings in this world through his unilateralist approach to issues. He has alienated America and brought its economy into a virtual ditch! Don’t forget the Republican Party has the elephant as its emblem too and when the elephant is made to dance too long on the grass in the bush, the food for the other common animals in the bush gets naturally destroyed.

History teaches us that power corrupts, and so it is also emphasized that absolute power corrupts absolutely; that we should not entrust politicians to stay too long unto power. Thus Ghana made a mistake by allowing the P (NDC) to stay in power for far to long, “19 years”.

Our economy was in shambles, unemployment widespread and civil liberties limited, so when it was time to let them go Ghana decided boldly to let in the NPP although they had also in the past betrayed this country by working with the CIA to overthrow its government.

The NPP has served eight years and we know what we have got; A presidential palace whiles Ghanaians live in kiosks; Two presidential jets whiles our youth sell ice water and dog chains for a living. You know the rest, and NPP slogan of “We are moving forward” makes us ask; “in which direction?” in dirt and filth, with corruption and crime or with unemployment and homelessness? Our young men are becoming akpeteshie drinkers, wee smokers and drug users. Some have even turned to walking to Europe through the Sahara to find answers! Are we moving forward? The NPP this year on the campaign trail has warned severally that unless any area voted for them, they will not see development of their areas.

Both the NPP and NDC have hypocritically come out to hail Obama`s victory and to align themselves with his ideals. But take a good look and you will find out that they are merely putting up a blind screen across to prevent the wind of change from spreading towards our part of world and democracy.

When Kwame Nkrumah took over the reigns of government, he indicated boldly that, in a situation where poverty, disease and ignorance confronted our people, no leader could be expected to have patience. So he went to work for the people building schools, hospitals, roads, factories so people could go to work and necessary infrastructure to help uplift Ghana out of poverty. It was quite clear in those days that the Matemeho politicians who called themselves the elite did not want him to succeed. They taunted Nkrumah and his followers as uneducated communists and veranda boys who had no place in politics. In the end, when they saw Kwame succeeding they had to subvert him with outside help! unpatriotic? Today, they call themselves “New Patriotic” We have forgiven them but not forgotten that they set our clock of progress backwards. But we must have the chance to probe their stewardship after eight years in office, if not, we would never know! In his answer to Nkrumah’s plan for free compulsory education for the northern parts of the country Dr. Busia said cocoa did not grow in the north, therefore cocoa money from people in the south should not be used to educate northerners, I have read!

Obama’s message of change brings hope but reminds us of the same message some centuries back that Kwame propagated, and for which he was undermined by the same people now hailing the message. We can only bring hope to the people by changing the status quo, not by continuing in the same direction with the same old hands. We must learn and replicate this example as a people. They have not improved our lives and it is time for them to go!

The CPP is a party with inclinations towards welfare for all Ghanaians, their jobs, their competence, living conditions, environment and general security issues. Kwame Nkrumah left a legacy for all Ghanaians who genuinely care about welfare and wellbeing for all. Today, countries with the same mindset are well-to-do and the gap in these countries between the rich and poor is lessened. We believe in the Ghanaian, and today we are here to unite and help build a democratic, prosperous Ghana based on Dr. Nkrumah’s dreams of equality and respect, social justice, peace and development. These are the values Obama won on. The New CPP is the party to bring Ghanaians together and it is focused, grounded in noble ideals and philosophies which promote a genuine concern and message of hope! By the bottom-up approach the CPP wants to emphasize that when we invest in the welfare of the people, we get a well informed, vibrant society of haves and well-to-dos who can make any society, democracy and any business function properly.

It is the CPP Scandinavia’s position that those who stand for the noble communal ideals championed by our founding fathers; Dr. Aggrey, Dr. Nkrumah and others should be given a chance to come back to power so corrections and re-organizations can be made in the way we use our money and organize our lives. We ask Ghanaians not to be deceived, but to vote the CPP and Dr. Nduom into power for a better life for ourselves and our children. We have proved it before and we will do it again for Ghana.


Festus K. Lartey-Adjei, (Chair, CPP Scandinavia)

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