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The State Declaration of War On Democracy Is Shameful - CENAB UK.

Mon, 30 Nov 2015 Source: CENAB UK

According to CENAB UK, the recent assault on the NPP Offices in Accra bears all the hallmarks of a state sponsored act of terrorism and a complete assault on Ghana's young democracy. This must stop!

CENAB UK, an advocacy group campaigning with a worldwide coalition for the presidency of Nana Akufo-Addo and Dr Bawumia in Ghana, believes strongly that the attack on the offices of the NPP, the main opposition party in Ghana, is an attempt by the ruling NDC government to use state apparatus to intimidate the opposition and fuel fear, confusion among Ghanaians and as result move the country towards a one-party state. This is a mark of an administration which is likely to lose an impending elections.

According to CENAB UK, it appears that the govt sees the recent internal turmoil in NPP as very fertile excuse for the State to launch its attack on the largest opposition party which is poised to capture power from them and as a result declare war on the last vestige of democracy.

The group is scandalised about the uncanny resemblance of the assault to that in history where U.S President Nixon ordered the break-in to the Watergate offices of the opposition 'Democratic Party'. The attack on the Accra offices of the NPP was done with men in state police and army uniforms, vehicles and weapons. They ransacked the NPP Strong Room at the headquarters where their strategic electoral materials are kept and took away very strategic information for Election 2016. This is intolerably dangerous act of terrorism on Democracy by the state.

They took away valuable documents and computers and might have planted bugging devises behind to spy into any future planning of the opposition party - according to experts. They planned to plant incriminating evidence such as weapons and claim to have discovered by them, so as to cause the security details of the party to be accused of illegal possession of weapons. This act is highly undemocratic.

The question CENAB UK is asking is; who is likely to benefit from such acts, if not the government that has lost all the good will of the majority of people in Ghana and its NDC party?

Over the last six years, the government has gradually reduced the Security Agencies, the Press, the Electoral Commission and the Judiciary to be part of its appendage and have gradually eroded the gains of democracy which the nation has been nursing since 1992.

The only institution left to fight for rule of law and democracy in Ghana is the political parties. With some smaller political parties virtually in the pocket of the ruling NDC, the main opposition party, the NPP has become the main target and the main stumbling block to the complete annihilation on democracy in Ghana.

In the case of President Nixon, even though he vehemently protested his innocence and even tried to prevent the FBI from investigating the matter, it took two journalists of the Washington Post to force the president to resign following a threat to impeach him. This far reaching consequence on the President of US will be a far cry from Ghana where the media is lazy, according to President Mahama.

The UK based Advocacy Group believes that the internal wrangling in the main opposition party has been fuelled by the government through its national security apparatus and it is part of its arsenal to declare war on democracy by decimating political opponents. Looking for soft targets in NPP, the National Security has managed to infiltrate the ranks of the party by bankrolling certain high officials of the party and using them to fuel confusion at the Party's National Executive level.

The group is therefore calling on the NPP to wake up from its slumber and take the matter beyond the nation which from all intents and purposes the media in Ghana is completely compromised to stress on this dangerous happenings in our young democracy.

The argument has gone beyond "Incompetent Mahama" to a "Macbethan Mahama" who will go all lengths to retain and crown himself as god of Ghana. The NPP must not let the matter rest on"redfriday" and a press conferences. It must be taken to the international levels and call for an inquiry into the matter.

In 1982 and even in the heat of military dictatorship, the spirit of the people drove the then military PNDC to set up the Special Investigation Board to investigate the abduction and killing of the Judges. The Party must not allow the President to get away with this affront on democracy and allow just a flimsy denial by Dr Omane Boamah and Ofosu Kwakye to end this matter.

The UK Advocacy group fears that if care is not taken, after succeeding in attacking NPP headquarters with impunity, the next stage will be attacking individual high ranking members and supporters of the party in their homes using hired armed robbers and National Security apparatus. Ghana would then be sliding back into the First Republican era and a certain one-party rule will be the end result.

Source: CENAB UK Advocacy Group.

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Source: CENAB UK