
Using God’s name to hide weak leadership and Incompetence -NPP UK

Thu, 21 Jan 2010 Source: NPP UK and Ireland

The NPP UK and Ireland is today responding to comments made by President Atta Mills at the NDC Congress at Tamale. While we congratulate the NDC for once, moving away from their violent nature and embracing peaceful internal elections we will like the President to know that his comments show how shortsighted he is .

For us in the NPP we will not be cowed neither will we relent Mr President, to continue exposing your shambolic , corrupt government and how you and your Ministers are wasting the opportunity giving to you by Ghanaians to address their day to day issues .

While you present yourself arrogantly like Angel Gabriel, St Peter and Mr Perfect who can do no wrong to the people we will like to remind you that

You have not started a single development project since you and your party came into office.

Unemployment especially among our youth and graduates has risen from 18% to 40 % with no end in sight.

Electricty tariffs as confirmed by your own energy Minister which we predicted last October will rise by 300 %. This is also in line with the IMF Conditions that you signed up to bringing more hardship and poverty to the doorsteps of our people.

Our people are still suffering from intermittent power cuts and water shortages without explanation.

We are still waiting to see how Mr Joe Gidisu will solve our transport problems after he travelled to England, Brazil and Colombia last year. Is there anything new he learnt that he will implement or has it become another wasted trip and abuse of taxpayers money?(Oh Yes we have’nt forgotten!)

Our Children are still waiting for the school uniforms you promised, a flawed policy if there was one. Money which could have been wisely spent on expanding the school feeding programme to incorporate second cycle institutions, in buying more excercise books, reading books, employing more teachers and training our teachers to acquire new skills through ICT ,to impart these skills to our children so that they can compete and be self reliant later in life .How sad!!

Ghanians are now even scared to import vehicles and technical equipment into the country because greedy NDC officials at the castle and at the ports who are in a mad rush to make money before the 4 years is out, inflate duties three times above the normal price so that one will not be able to pay. Our ports have now become a haven for criminals and thieves. So much for change!!!!

For once we agree with Ben Ephson, shut down that crooked Brand Ghana office!!!!,an excuse to waste public funds on wasteful projects and for individuals to steal public money. How many more schemes will you set up to help NDC members steal public funds?

If we in the NPP have sinned, we do not pretend we are perfect neither do we pretend we are saints. Those who also believe in God and trust in him know that even in his anger he is forgiving to his children . You Professor Mills are the one using God’s name to hide your failings, as an excuse for inaction, your slow and incompetent governance, turning a blind eye to corruption, and political vindictiveness.

We end with a scripture from the Holy Book.

‘’A certain man had a fig tree in his vineyard. He came and sought fruit and found none. He then said to the dresser of his vineyard , behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down why cumbereth it to the ground?

And he answered Lord ,let it alone this year also till i dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruit well, if not then after that thou shalt cut it down.’’

God Bless NPP

God Bless Ghana

Nana Yaw Sarpong

Communications Officer/PRO NPP UK and Ireland

Source: NPP UK and Ireland