
Dr. Anane, the Minister of Mischief & GIA

Thu, 24 Feb 2005 Source: Roger Ramjet @SIL

It is true that with the grounding of Ghana Airways in New York and the revocation of its licenses to operate to the USA, the GCAA (Ghana Civil Aviation Authority) was immediately downgraded from being Class 1 country status for Civil Aviation, to a Class 2 country according to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) standards.

When GCAA was a Class 1 country for Civil Aviation it meant that, as of right, all of Ghana's airlines were deemed acceptable to operate into other class 1 countries like Europe, USA, South Africa and Ghana's certificates were accepted on face value without the need for further inspections of Ghana's airlines and its Civil Aviation Authoritiy's oversight and supervision of its airlines was in effect "trusted".

The FAA in the USA noted it was the first time that it had ever cancelled the license of a National Airline - EVER. It was done because of persistent breach of safety regulations, illegally operating its DC10 aircraft in contravention of maintenance regulations and maintenance not being done or reported in the log books as required, operating with 2 expired licenses, etc.

The buck stops with the light fingered "unsheathed" Dr Anane - the Minister of Mischief himself - who personally oversaw the demise of Ghana Airways, the mismanagement and subsequent downgrading of the GCAA - through his persistent politicising of what essentially are highly technical fields (which incidentally have nothing to do with Gynaecology, his trained specialty - or his other specialty of getting 10% kickbacks from road contractors).

When the light fingered Dr imposes himself with his 10% tricks on the road contractors, at least it leaves the road contractors in the main to manage their businesses - so somehow they go on.

His imposition on Ghana Airways (and now GIA) as well as on the GCAA, however, comes with the added baggage of him trying to micro manage the affairs of these organisations - with disasterous effects for Ghana.

The economy and good name of Ghana suffers. Tourism suffers. Transportation of Ghanaians, their families, businesses and the diaspora suffer. Ghana's image and the goals of the Government for a "golden age of business" are put into disarray. But the multinational big airlines have boom times.

The Mormons and those "big people behind Anane" who are associated with GIA must have been dreaming of the old Ghana Airways games coming back again for them and for their pockets.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Airways staff and all creditors remain unpaid while the only assets of Ghana Airways, including its cash from royalty payments, etc., is misappropriated from being available to meet creditors, to being put into GIA. this is nothing short of being criminal behaviour.

But didn't Dr Anane commit the Government of Ghana to paying all of the debts (creditors) of Ghana Airways?

And didn't he say under oath at his vetting that as far back as 2001 all of the potential investors in Ghana Airways were informed that the Government of Ghana would ring fence and pay the debts of Ghana Airways?

That's a big lie and all involved, many, many, too many people, know it. Ooooh dear Doctor.

Isn't that perjury? Its just a question.

Ghana, where oh where are ALL of your journalists!

Source: Roger Ramjet @SIL