
We Shall Derobe Them

Sun, 24 Feb 2013 Source: stephen a.quaye

Contributing financially towards the upkeep of a church in North America including Canada has not been the best these days I know as every pastor during sermon repeatedly remind his congregation to contribute cash towards the work of God.

However, these same pastors genuinely refuse to talk about over expenditures that makes the church under their respective administrations run budget deficits which when cut down could help the church to be content with the little that comes in which could be enough for the work of God.

Neither do these pastors some of whom have become appeal for funds experts, allow some members of their congregation to stress on judicious use of church funds as generated by tithes, offertories and other donations as they go haywire anytime deficits are recorded due to their overloaded activities and responsibilities borne by the church.

Yes the bible teaches every Christian who profess to be a follower of Christ to pay tithes and offertories, but we seems to also forget that the economic hardships being faced by members that makes it difficult for them to honour these obligations.

High taxes , tuition fees, medical expenses, rent, transportation’ gas’, food, hydro, water, communication bills bombarding members and even pressure from relatives back home to send remittances are creating blood pressure for many people.

Let me share with you a scenario that took place in one of the Ghanaian church here in North America [NAME OF THE CITY KEPT TO PROTECT MEMBERS IDENTITY].

An elder of a particular church with its headquarters’ in Accra Ghana, was assigned to come and assist members of its infant church in that city to expand the church to become a bigger church.

Upon landing in the city, members of the church helped him secure a job in a production factory to get paid for him to live a responsible life and not become a burden on the church since the society was already reeling on its knees because of scarce resources.

After the first day of work, this elder complained so much of tiredness and bodily pains that he resolved never to report the next day and subsequent days for work, as some one will say he fired himself.

When another member asked what happened that he quit the noble job that was offered him to make a responsible living hear what the elder said. “My brother, I am an elder of a church assigned with the duty to build a church not to work in a factory.

“The factory job is too difficult to do why? Am I the one who crucified Jesus for me to go through such body pains and pressure just for a living? I do not think so therefore I have quit that painful job” he hinted to the surprise of the church member who enquired.

This elder never find himself another job as he ended up getting placed on the very small church’s payroll to receive paycheque every fortnight that sought to drain the coffers of the society the more. Later on, he managed to grab a certificate from a seminary that informed the headquarters choice to ordain him as a pastor who is leading a society today.

It is so irritating how many people these days mock Jesus Christ by claiming to be elders, pastors, bishops, seers, prophets, founders of church’s with big names going about deceiving people to lead them into ditch.

Recently, a concern was raised by an elderly person in Toronto about the rate of proliferation of churches in the city which should have helped curb the gun violence but rather despite the proliferation, gun violence rate getting worse.

“How come that a city not a province, can record as much as 200 and more Ghanaian churches some with membership comprising of the pastor, his wife or husband, children, and friends not exceeding twenty members,” he quizzed.

He said, “ churches are suppose to work with their pastors spreading the message of hope which is the word of God to change lives from bad to good and even to the better.

But on the opposite, we keep on witnessing high rate of gun violence, rape, drug pushing, fraud, teenage pregnancies, armed robbery and many more which defeats the purpose of the proliferation of these churches in our communities”.

Jesus, the savior that every Christian professes to be his follower, never forced people from their homes to come and follow him. He went according to the plan given to him by the father, God, and therefore accomplishing every task bit by bit to the surprise of the people sent breaking news to other people in far and near cities who came to follow him.

He did not employ body guards to protect him from his persecutors and prosecutors even though he knew he would be crucified, buried and resurrected on the third day in Jerusalem.

Christ did not mince words telling his followers the trials and tribulations of this world and the need to stay pure from unclean spirits and also flea from sin in order to be able to receive peace, mercies and the total protection of the most high.

Once again, he did not bend the law to satisfy his selfish interest of being the savour of the world as he was referred to by the people who saw the miracles he performed. Rather he charged his disciples and the entire followers of him to keep the laws and live by it.

It is time to expose all hiding faces behind the bible that are using the name of Jesus Christ to rob the ordinary people and the church as well as derobe all greedy guys who have bestowed unto themselves wild titles and claiming to be delivering sinful persons instead leading them to hell.

Arise and shine Christians in every community you find yourself in and let your voice be heard. Come out and condemn wrong doings you find in your societies. Share your opinions on how our societies should be built according to the bible for all to enjoy peace.


Source: stephen a.quaye