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Why NDC Should Elect Mills

On Friday August 8, 2006, Prof Mills declared at Ashaiman to an ecstatic NDC gathering that he was definitely contesting the primaries for the flagbearership of the NDC come this December. The long-awaited declaration of his intentions is important not only because it lays to rest the unfounded rumors of his non-participation, but because what he said reinforced what many Ghanaians have come to associate with Prof Mills and desire in our next president – humility, sincerity and a genuine concern for Ghana.

Very importantly, at Ashaiman, Prof. Mills said, ‘we are going to do something new in 2008’. That new difference will be manifested in a myriad of ways consistent with Prof Mills’s vision, his professional training, his unblemished character and his training as an Nkrumahist. Prof. Mills believes that everybody can contribute to Ghana’s progress, irrespective of academic background, ethnicity, status or religion. And he demands in all those who wish to contribute, transparency, honesty, accountability, respect for and commitment to the people.

For Mills, the people’s welfare and security must be promoted and safeguarded not only during campaigns for their votes; but at all times in our respective daily responsibilities as teachers, doctors, health workers, soldiers, farmers, policemen/women and business people. Like the insightful Amilcar Cabral, Prof. Mills has always recognized that the primary concern of the people is their basic needs – food, good health, clothing, water, shelter and dignity. It is his desire to see to the fulfillment of these needs that he is offering himself again as a presidential candidate.

Prof Mills can be counted on to design and implement economic and social policies in the context of Ghana’s reality and using the best brains and talents available to Ghana. That is what he means when he talks about inclusiveness. He is dedicated to formulating and implementing homegrown research-driven, people-centered and consensus-guided policies and programs for national development so that no Ghanaian will be left behind! And he has the training, experience and perceptive mind to accomplish that!

These are trying times for Ghanaians. Our country’s image is sinking owing to various scandals in the corridors of power. The stench of corruption is becoming unbearable and we need to restore our image. We need Prof Mills to lead us to make a clean and irrevocable break with this state of affairs. He is decent, scrupulously honest, and has an accomplished intellect. In spite of his excellent grasp of the intricacies of politics and government, he is modest enough to listen to alternate views.

He is decisive when he is convinced on a certain path of action. Prof. Mills is nationalistic, almost to a fault, preferring to engage in the struggle to improve Ghana rather than to heed to the numerous (international) solicitations for his services for fat fees. To him, “To suffer for oneself is the emptiest of all suffering. To suffer for others is the greatest spiritual elevation.”

At Ashaiman, Prof. Mills urged NDC members to be civil to all presidential aspirants, and he pledged his support to the eventual winner at the December congress. The known and unsaid fact is that Prof Mills is clearly the frontrunner, and by those sincere comments reiterated his commitment to the principles of democracy. These are principles he lived as Vice-President of Ghana and as the NDC Presidential candidate in the 2000 and 2004 elections. He conceded the victory of the NPP in 2000, and again in 2004 when many thought that the will of the people had been crudely tampered with. He refused persistent calls to hit the streets in protest. Prof Mills rightly noted the high political temperature in the country and the probability of street protests leading us down the abyss that many of our neighbors have unfortunately found themselves. Therefore, to save Ghana, he sacrificed his political ambition thereby demonstrating that his bids for the exulted office of president were not for personal glorification.

Those who know him very well, attest to his “equal opportunity politics.” He embraces all ethnic and religious groups; supports regional, district, constituency and gender balance and environmental sustainability. Nkrumaist in training, he is compassionate, pan-Africanist, and committed to the progressive nonaligned stance and social democratic ideals. Prof Mills will always lead with these ideals that we have enshrined in our manifesto. For Prof Mills, our slogan, ‘no curve, no bend’ refers to loyalty to both the NDC charter and his personal principles of humility, honesty, and service to the people.


Prof. K.Danso-Boafo, Coordinator

Mba Atinga, Administrator

William Antwi, Esq. Attorney-at-Law J. Saka Coleman V. Ayorkor Coleman Kwasi Edem (Kwasi LaPaz) Percy Eshun Ato Essel Gilbert Kubayanda I.Assan-Mensah Daniel Wiafe

CANADA REPRESENTATIVES Eugene K. Agben Hon. Akuamoah Ofosu Boateng Dr. Mohamed Iddrisu Yusif Moro


Source: the north america committee to elect prof. john evans atta mills as 2008 ndc presidential candidate.