
Witch hunt?s? Rage? Today? in African Migrant Churches in Europe


Mon, 22 Dec 2014 Source: Leo Igwe

Those who ?believe that witch hunting ended? ?centuries ago? in Europe ?are mistaken. Witch hunt?s ?on this continent are ?taking place right now. Many African churches are enacting a 'war' against 'witches' in the name of ? ?C?h??ristianity- African ?C?hristianity?!? African ?pentecostal pastors are spreading fear, panic and hysteria? based on notions of witchcraft. ?They are ?fuelling witchcraft suspicions and insinuations, and inciting hatred and violence against vulnerable members of the?ir congregations. These churches are re?viving witchcraft narratives in migrant communities. These narratives are ?clearly ?linked to cases of witchcraft related abuse reported recently in black communities in the UK.

Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries? ?(MFM) is one witch hunting African church that is in the business of ?countering witchcraft . Th?is church's crusade against witchcraft should, as a matter of urgency, be brought to the attention of the 'enlightened world'. MFM is a Nigerian church with branches across Europe -in Britain, Belgium, Germany, Holland, etc

Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya founded it in 1989. The church draws its teachings from the ?f?ounder's numerous books and sermons ?which ?includ?e publications on witchcraft.

In one of his books, Overpowering Witchcraft(2010), Pastor Olukoya provides? what he claims are ? 'sound biblical teachings' ?for his 'Ministry of Witchcraft'. He claims that manifestations of witchcraft are ?described in the Scriptures and ?have been revealed by God.

Olukoya associates witchcraft with prostitution and ?with ?multiple deaths. He uses fake stories and forged testimonies to ?provide witness to the potency of witchcraft?,? ?describing how mothers?-?in?-?law deploy occult powers to undermine marriages and fuel problems in families. He states that the function of witchcraft is ''to bend what is straight, make it crooked. They change and refashion things to conform to their wicked intentions'.

Olukoya declares that ''many intellectuals, well disciplined people and morally upright men and women, are being carefully and intelligently controlled by witchcraft spirit''. On the back cover, it states ''The destructive and competitive nature of witchcraft has done so much damage wherever they are found. Witchcraft is more complicated than we think. Witchcraft uses demonic influences to subdue and undo another. Good people are being controlled and manipulated by witchcraft weapons. Many are battling right now and have not been able to discern exactly is happening to them. Many are unconscious witches with death sentences hanging on their heads''. The author goes on to ask ''Are you being tormented by evil intelligent network?"?? ?"?Are you being denied from enjoying your divine benefits? Have you been caged by failures on the edge of breakthroughs, profitless hard work, spiritual stagnancy, chain problems, prayer paralysis and general backwardness?'' ?He attributes all these problems to witchcraft.

The entire book drips with ?malignant messages? of incitement? and ?provides ?passages ?for church members and other witch?craft? believing folk ?to use to legitimize witchcraft accusation and witch persecution. A quick look on the web sites of branches of MFM in Europe reveals how Olukoya's teachings have been translated into anti witchcraft prayer points?.? For instance, parts of the MFM(UK) Prayer Points, Power Against Evil Pattern states:

?"?5. Every plantation of witchcraft in my family, what are you waiting for? Die, in the name of Jesus. 6. Every pattern of household witchcraft in my family, I bury you today, in the name of Jesus.7. O God arise, and let every witchcraft power release my destiny, in the name of Jesus.".

There are also prayers against lesbianism. "27. You the spirit of lesbianism, I am not your candidate, in the name of Jesus. 28.Lord, deliver me from every evil altar of Lesbianism, in the name of Jesus. 29. Any area of my life that the spirit of lesbianism has gripped, break free by fire, in the name of Jesus"

The web site of the North American branch of MFM has detailed prayer points against the 'Communication and Transportation Systems of witchcraft'?;? prayers for the destruction of the altars of witchcraft?;? prayers for ''Breaking Witchcraft Curses''?;? prayers for the destruction of the covens of witchcraft and the hold of marine witchcraft?;? prayers for vomiting the food of witchcraft?; prayers for destroying the infirmity of witchcraft and for plucking out the eyes of witchcraft?; prayers for dismantling witchcraft embargo on finances and prayers for the destruction of the Throne of witchcraft.

No one should think that these are just innocuous prayer points with?out any? effect on people's minds and actions. They are not? innocuous!. These prayer points are texts and manuals for witchcraft accusation and witch finding. They produce and reinforce witchcraft ?'?imaginaires?'? and shape how people make sense of their day to day experiences.

Europeans need to ?employ their critical thinking and ?realize the potentially dangerous nature of Olukoya's 'Ministry of Witchcraft' and take action against this violent brand of ?C?hristianity which MFM embodies?. They need to act? before it is too late. Skeptics and freethinkers need to provide a counter narrative to MFM's witch crusade. They ?must not stand by and allow a slow undoing and erosion of the gains of ?the ?enlightenment ?through the growth in the present day in what was thought to be just the medieval witch hunt?s of history?

. Witch hunting by African migrant churches must stop. Witch hunting pastors must be stopped.

Source: Leo Igwe