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because of the old age
because of the old age
n he cant see far
n he cant see far
With a black face on television wants my thigh and offering to enrich himself from his lonsome one man church.
I should get up from bed,out of covers to listen to him for faith.
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With a black face on television wants my thigh and offering to enrich himself from his lonsome one man church.
I should get up from bed,out of covers to listen to him for faith.
FAITH COMES BY HEARING THE WORD OF GOD. wHAT ABOUT READING THE WORD OF GOD. Both situation is to gether knowledge or information call scripture for Salvation.
Hearing through the ear, reading by the eyes which are attach to the head,which house the brain with it virtual storage call THE MIND OR HELMET BY SCRIPTURES. WITHOUT MIND THE HEART CAN'T SEE,HEAR,FEEL OR THINK. The scripture call is helmet of Salvation. The mind and, heart might contain information which are bullish of Hollywood or academia of no use to faith of Jesus Christ.
The Lord God love Jacob over Essau, who was love ny his father Isaac as lineade trend. Does the Lord God hate Essau
? or does Isaac hate jACOB? The word love hear means just CHOICE, like chosen. Why can't modern preachers DISCERN AND UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY AND PROPERLY? The book of Life, the BIBLE says Born Again are going to judge the world starting from ME.
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