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Stop that walking misinformation machine
If he did something good the English will not even mention his Ghanaian descent. The last time I read about successful actor Idris Elber in a British Airways magazine, they did not even mention his Ghnaian heritage, they said ...
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Now we know these ga people are killers and terrorist. Bukuom is the mecca of killer ga people.
You very shallow minded ...your problem is you deviate from the problem at hand and start attacking unnecessarily
Kotey do not grow up in Bukom, not even in Ghana so its not about Bukom nor Ga killers
Bueeee yawu,Awurade hu y3n mm)b).
Did the article said a British National or Ghanaian-Greek Cypriot National. Please stop causing fear and panic among Ghanaians. The boy even do not know where Ghana is. He was born and raised in the UK.
This is total nonsense. Did d guy grew here or was based in Britain. I forsee these foolish whitemen bcos of d oil they r trying all they can to get closer to Ghana. I will not blame them but blame our selfish,greedy leaders ...
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Wasco you are right . I have already observed this for longtime . Becx of the oil they as much to creat broblemd here . But God Iz biger than them . But i blame our leader .
I'm not surprise,simple beacuse useless Aponkye funu brought them in GTMO,Ghana now is in Danger nkwasiafuo Amanmuo,bumbo klaat's...
It is. a disgrace to African peaceful country GHANA to hear these phantoms tit-bits.
Shieee y'awu. Hmmmmm. Mahama John!, Mahama John!, Mahama John! How many time did I call you?