
Kufuor US trip

Mon, 20 Jun 2005 Source: Aglagoh, Eric Sappey

I read with a bit of consternation the trip of President Kufour to the US apparently to discuss among other issues debt relief. Is it not ironic that President Bush should ostensibly invite certain African leaders to the US to discuss debt relief after Chancellor Gordon Brown and PM Blair has worked assidiously to convince the other G7 Finance Ministers to cancel about $55 billion of debt owed by 18 HIPC countries including Ghana?

Is our President not embarking on a mission to claim later that he was the architect of the debt relief to Ghana? Or does President Bush want to claim credit? Ghanains ought to know, neither our President nor President Bush were the architects of the debt relief. It is too late now for our President or his spokespersons to try to put any spin on the debt relief announced on Saturday in London. We are watching.


Eric Sappey Aglagoh
Concerned Ghanaian in London.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Aglagoh, Eric Sappey