
Why are you not disassociating yourself from lawless Bempah - Apaak questions Akufo-Addo

Owusu Bempah Akufo Addo New President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Prophet Owusu Bempah

Mon, 18 Mar 2019 Source:

The Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Dr. Clement Apaak has called on President Akufo-Addo to once again disassociate himself from the “lawlessness” carried out by Prophet Owusu Bempah and some persons who stormed the premises of Radio XYZ in searching of host, Mugabe Masse to allegedly harm him.

The legislator in a write up expressed worry over the action by the man of God who he said is the president’s prophet.

Dr. Apaak who had some few months ago asked the president to disassociate himself from the propjet after a similar act said, “President, the armed men who accompanied your prophet and appointee fired shots at the premises of the radio station and took away phones of those who tried to record the act of lawlessness and impunity led by your prophet.

Mr. President, I wish to also I inform you that your prophet, your spiritual leader, has attacked the church of another pastor!”

Below is the full post

Greetings Mr. President,

Sir, do you think it’s acceptable for your prophet to storm a radio station with armed men in search of a radio station host and threatened to kill the host?

Mr. President, the armed men who accompanied your prophet and appointee fired shots at the premises of the radio station and took away phones of those who tried to record the act of lawlessness and impunity led by your prophet.

Mr. President, I wish to also I inform you that your prophet, your spiritual leader, has attacked the church of another pastor!

Mr. President, do you truly think this type of behaviour is acceptable from anyone, let alone your prophet?

Mr. President is your prophet above the law, the law you swore to uphold and defend?

Mr. President I called on you the last time your prophet misconducted himself to disassociate yourself from him, you failed to. On that basis Sir, its my position that you condone his lawlessness and reckless comments!

Certainly Sir, these acts of lawlessness and impunity by your prophet, Owusu Bempah, and other appointees and financers of your party can’t pass without comment!

I remain a citizen!

Dr. Apaak

M.P, Builsa South
