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Nenyi George Andah's first day in parliament

Andah Parliament5 George Andah

Wed, 11 Jan 2017 Source: Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh

Honorable Nenyi George Andah is man who has earned the confidence and admiration of a lot of Ghanaians. The Chartered Marketer, who was on the 7th of December 2016 elected into parliament , to represent Awutu Senya West, is a man of strong character, principles and objectives.

On 10th January 2017, the 7th parliament of 4th republic had its first sitting and Hon. Nenyi George Andah took to social media to share this with his constituents, via Facebook Live. Beyond the few minutes the Honorable shared, I went behind the scenes to cover the bigger picture.

Picking me up at about 7:45am in one of Accra's silent residential areas, the Honorable member for Awutu Senya West, welcomed me warmly into his vehicle, as we began a journey that was bedazzled with small talk and deep conversations. One thing was noticeable- His readiness to serve. Hon. Andah describe his journey of politics, as a vocation rather than a career; explaining that he was in it to contribute his own quota to the development of his people.

In between our conversations, Hon. Andah's phone wouldn't stop ringing and each time, he answered the call of duty. It was evident that this is a man willing to work hard on a round-the-clock basis, to get things done.

After travelling through the traffic, we got to parliament, where Hon. Andah quickly put on his I.D card, as we drove through the gates. He walked through the halls with cheer; reminiscent of a child's first day in a higher class. Coming from a quintessential African background, I politely offered to carry his bags, however my offer was vehemently turned down. "Pure humility!", scream my thoughts to me.

Stepping into parliament, Hon. Andah popped into a few offices to familiarize and offer greetings. His humility and honesty stood out, as he has eschewed the pride and pomposity of a massive election victory.

It was time to step into the chamber of parliament and I had to part ways with Hon. Andah. Observing from the public gallery, the legislative member seemed to be one of the first three to be present. He took time to familiarize with fellow members of the house. Sharing warm conversations and jokes.

The warmth he emitted was quite admirable.

Below are some pictures.

Source: Emmanuel Oscar Ugoh