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Government must fulfill pledges to Ghanaian workers – NDC

Asiedu Nketiah Sona 2017 General Secretary of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia

Tue, 2 May 2017 Source:

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has tasked government to fulfill all pledges made to Ghanaian workers.

In a May Day statement issued and signed by Johnson Asiedu Nketia, General Secretary of NDC, the party extended its warmest felicitations to and solidarity with Ghanaian workers whose sweat and toil continues to keep the wheels of state running.

“As Social Democrats, we fully associate with the struggles and aspirations of all Ghanaian workers as we mark this important world-wide occasion. We recognise the immense sacrifices and contributions that labour has made over the years and its partnership with various governments and like-minded organisations to bring development and progress to our dear nation,” it said.

According to the NDC, this year's celebration is being marked against the backdrop of many difficulties which threaten the wellbeing of Ghanaian workers.

“We note with regret that for the first time in recent memory, Ghanaian public sector workers have been forced to mark this important day without receiving their monthly salary.

“This will no doubt impinge adversely on their ability to meet critical needs of their families and dependents.

“This show of insensitivity on the part of the Akufo-Addo government will inflict more hardships on workers who have already had to contend with sky rocketing prices of goods and services and a general increase in the cost of living,” the statement said.

In the view of the NDC, the plight of the Ghanaian worker has further been worsened by the failure of the Akufo-Addo government to keep faith with them through the non-fulfilment of key electoral promises.

For example, the party said there has been no significant reduction in the price of electricity and fuel as promised by then candidate Akufo-Addo and the NPP in the run up to the 2016 elections.

The opposition party accused the Akufo Addo government of engaging in platitudes and empty rhetoric, instead of the implementation of concrete policies to alleviate the suffering of the worker and Ghanaians at large.

It said the large size of government has denied Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) the needed funds.

The NDC criticised the placement of a cap on how monies can accrue to GetFund, National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and the District Assemblies Common Fund, describing it as a glaring violation of the law.

The party alleged mis-treatment of some public sector workers, who have been dismissed for no justifiable reason, apart from having been employed by the previous government.

According to the NDC, the bloated government size are the early signs of corruption and cronyism as can be seen in the instances of the US$2.25 billion Bond Scandal and the acceptance of lavish hospitality from AMERI, a company that this government claims to be “investigating”.

It urged government to take steps to address the concerns of nurses with the view to employing them as soon as possible.

The NDC charged government to ensure the completion and full implementation of a number of policy and legislative measures aimed at further protecting the interests of Ghanaian workers.

These include the Marrakesh Maternity Convention which was approved by the immediate past cabinet and the Domestic Workers Regulation aimed at safeguarding and protecting domestic workers.

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