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Stop begging for fundamental human rights - Lawyer Sosu

Francis Sosu Lastest Francis Sosu, Human rights lawyer

Sat, 5 Aug 2017 Source:

Respected human rights advocate, Lawyer Francis Xavier Sosu believes the biggest hindrance to human rights in Africa is ignorance.

According to him, Africans have been reduced to begging for their rights because they do not understand that they are entitled to it.

“The reason why we keep begging for those rights is because we do not know that they are fundamental human rights,” he said.

It is typical for communities to send high profile delegations to the Presidency to beg for development or plead with a visiting leader for development projects.

TV screens in Africa are constantly awashed with citizens begging for one amenity or the other with the media dedicating a significant portion of airtime and space to drawing attention to the flagrant disregard of this right.

Lawyer Sosu is surprised that the politician begs the average African for their right to vote but does not recognize other rights once elected into office.

“Why must we now be begging for clean water to drink, why should we be begging government to service debts in connection with national health insurance and begging that please pay so that we can have right to access health care. Why must we beg when access to health facilities is directly linked to our right to life?” He questioned.

Lawyer Sosu who was speaking to Gold News after an organization he leads, Youth for Human Rights Africa launched the maiden Ghana Youth Human Rights Conference is shocked most Africans do not see development as a basic human right that they should be demanding for.

“How many of these people see this as a basic right that we can stand up to and say once government fails to provide the requisite facilities for us to actualize our potential and our self-dignity, it means that government is breaching our fundamental rights and we will be willing and ready to go to court and say that we want an enforcement from government,” he said.

The human rights advocate who is the acting President for YOHRA says the group will be taking up the task of fighting for fundamental human rights on behalf of the African.
