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Ghana ready to host 2018 CHAN Tourney – Isaac Asiamah

Isaac Asiamah Jersey Kwesi Nyantakyi is believed to be leading the crusade to get Ghana the nod to host 2018 CHAN Tourney

Mon, 25 Sep 2017 Source:

Youth and Sports Minister, Hon. Isaac Asiamah, has declared Ghana’s readiness to host the 2018 CHAN Tournament.

Kenya have been stripped of the hosting rights following CAF executive meeting which came off last Saturday in Accra.

Slow preparations for the January 12-February 4 tournament led to a decision widely anticipated for several weeks.

There have been several calls from Ghanaians for the nation to bid for the 2018 CHAN Tourney after Ghana successfully hosted the 2017 WAFU Cup of Nations.

And according to the Sports Minister, the country is ready to host any CAF organised competition.

“Ghana is already hosting CAF Africa Women Championship in 2018. We just got the information that CAF have stripped off the hosting right from Kenya due to some reasons,” he said.

“As a country we are ready to Host any CAF organized tournament. We did well in hosting the WAFU tournament without any bad report. The Fox Sports people were happy about the whole organization including the infrastructures we used. Almost Cape Coast alone had been able to host the WAFU.

“We have Tamale Sports Stadium, Kumasi Sports Stadium and the renovation of Accra Sports Stadium will start this year so Ghana stands at any point in time to host CAF tournament.”
