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Disqualified MP To Lose $20,000 Car

Tue, 4 Mar 2003 Source: Statesman

First, he was deseated as Wulensi MP after spending almost his entire parliamentary life in the courtroom. Now, Samuel Nyimakan is on the verge of losing the only consolatory prize from his two years of extra-Parliamentary woes- the brand-spanking new Nissan Terrano II cross country vehicle acquired, thanks to the controversial $20,000 Parliament-guaranteed loan for its members.

Five parties and two independent candidates are battling it out for the vacant seat. Ironically, the CPP, a constituency chairman of which recently called for a snap general elections this year, has chosen not to contest at Wulensi, citing unpreparedness.

NDC’s Wulensi campaign has not been smooth sailing. Flagbearer John Evans Atta Mills was involved in an accident as his vehicle ran into the back of another in the convoy to Wulensi over the weekend. He escaped injury, while some suffered minor injuries.

Former President Jerry Rawlings returned from London on Sunday with Tsatsu Tsikata on a British Airways flight, in time to render his support to the NDC candidate. Today (Tuesday), as Wulensi, the area Nyimakan is adjudged not to have hailed from, returns to the polls to elect a new Parliamentary representative, sources at Parliament House has told The Statesman that following the courts declaring Nyimakan’s election null and void, the last two years of Nyimakan’s role as a Parliamentarian, including the salaries and all the benefits have created some peculiar difficulties. “It is as if he was never a member of this House,” explained the source.

The vehicle is said to have been licensed in the name of both the State and Parliament. “But, with his exit from Parliament, the security on the vehicle no longer exist,” the source told The Statesman. Parliament is, therefore, taking steps to retrieve the vehicle with the hope of offering it to the eventual winner of today’s by-election, that is if the person so wishes.

But Nyimakan appears to have accepted his fate with measured equanimity. In a conversation with the paper two Fridays ago in Parliament House, he said he was awaiting Parliament’s next action on the vehicle front.

The former MP has been a frequent visitor to Parliament House since the Supreme Court refused to countenance both his appeal and review applications. Perhaps, unsurprisingly, he feels aggrieved by the court’s decision. He shows particularly concern about the ?14m cost awarded against him.

According to Nyimakan, with the heavy costs the Supreme Court may be sending the wrong signals to the potential litigants. He said the court should not deter people from litigating through “exceptionally heavy fines.”

Nyimakan’s election in the 2000 elections had been challenged by a constituent of the Wulensi constituency, Fuseini Zakaria, citing falsification of his residential status. Zakaria, said the former NDC MP was neither a native nor resident of the constituency, leading to a two-year long judicial battle which ended in today’s by-election.

The parliamentary candidates are Karima Kofi Wumba, NPP; John Sadean Njigu, NDC; Daniel Okpan Niwubri, People’s National Convention (PNC); while Imusah Natogmah and Mumuni Dawuda are contesting for EGLE Party and the Democratic People’s Party (DPP), respectively. And independent candidates are Peter Oggah Magan and Alhaji Musah Zibila.

Source: Statesman